Ready for a cheerier cat tale? Update on 3-legged Zack

We’ll keep watch on the story of Scat, the White Center church cat, to bring you followups if new information is available. Meantime, if you’re ready for cheerier news, we got e-mail today from Jane, who was “found by” Zack the cat, learned he needed costly surgery (which cost him a leg), and sought help here last winter. Here’s a new pic, followed by an update:

I wanted to give our friends in West Seattle an update on Zack’s life. Zack is doing great. It has been almost four months now since we saved Zack and it is like he has always been a part of the family. The first month of Zack’s amputation was a little rough and I had to make Zack take it easy. I got him off the pain medication so he would not hurt himself running around much by not feeling the pain. Zack could jump up on the bed and chairs but he limped slowly while walking across the rug.

I did not realize that Zack could run as fast as he could. Before I could react, Zack was out the door, setting outside with Maxine. Zack quickly sprayed the perimeter of the yard marking his territory and with a little help from me he chased the mean black cat in the neighborhood, away for good.

Since Zack was neutered he no longer leaves for hours roaming, who knows where. I make sure he is not outside to long and that he gets his rest. Zack loves to run across the yard and through the bushes chasing and playing with Maxine. I do not like my cats killing birds but Maxine and Zack are both hunters. They sit under the fence and wait for the birds to drop down from the fence to the lawn. Two weeks ago I saw Zack jumping two feet in the air, happy as ever. We all went out to see what was going on and Zack had finally caught a small bird. He was so proud. Zack also loves catching spiders, flies and mice.

Zack was underweight when I found him and was not fed properly. His hair was in a bad condition. Now that Zack has been eating a proper diet, has his hair brushed daily, the new growth is coming in healthy and shiny. Zack’s whiskers were short and split and now they are finally nice and long. Zack is gaining weight and getting stronger. He never passes up a bowl of food or a chance to set in my lap. I have attached photos. It is hard to get a photo of Zack running because when he is on the go he runs to fast for the photo.

Thanks again to all of you who helped Zack.

Sincerely, Jane

Here’s another photo, this one with him on the run:

12 Replies to "Ready for a cheerier cat tale? Update on 3-legged Zack"

  • M. April 22, 2009 (1:45 am)

    YEAAAAAA for Zack! What part of W.S. was he hit in?

  • WSB April 22, 2009 (2:14 am)

    I don’t think we ever knew that – here’s our original story from just after Christmas:


  • iggy April 22, 2009 (7:57 am)

    YAY ZACK. Cats and Dogs can adapt quite well to being three-legged. Jane, you thanked those who helped Zack, but the real credit goes to you and Maxine for taking the little guy in and making him a true member of your loving family.

  • TeresaP April 22, 2009 (8:14 am)

    Please keep us updated on both, I saw the story on Scat last night and it made me sick to my stomach. Anyone who hurts an animal or a child should receive the same treatment and then be done away with. They are quite simply evil human beings who would not be missed in this society.

  • Janet Detwiler April 22, 2009 (8:26 am)

    What a handsome fellow, and how lucky you are to have found each other!

  • KatherineL April 22, 2009 (8:46 am)

    Beautiful cat. It’s good to hear he’s doing well. Lucky cat – or smart cat – to pick Jane.

  • Gina April 22, 2009 (9:17 am)

    I am so pleased for a happy ending to this story!

  • Bianca April 22, 2009 (9:18 am)


  • F3 April 22, 2009 (12:27 pm)

    Jane, Thank you for the great update on Zack–that is one happy, content cat. He really touched a lot of hearts in our community.

  • M. April 22, 2009 (1:38 pm)

    I just love big fluffy kitties!

  • CG April 22, 2009 (2:54 pm)

    Nice story. If you want to stop Zack and Maxine from catching birds and other wildlife, try the CatBib. A simple device that attaches to the cat’s collar. Independently field trial tested and found to stop 81% (4 out of 5) of cats from catching any birds and 45% of cats from catching any small mammals. Audubon recommended it in their Jan-Feb 2008 magazine issue.

    Thanks for caring about cats.

  • Ms Pam April 22, 2009 (3:17 pm)

    Thanks for the Zack update! It absolutely made my day hearing that he is doing fabulously and that he and Jane are still together!

    Smoooches to you and Jane!

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