Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Somanda Bodyworks

This morning, we welcome a new WSB sponsor: Somanda Bodyworks in the Admiral District. As always, we offer new sponsors the chance to share information about their businesses: Amanda Coleman, LMP, has been a SOMA practitioner for the past nine years. In 2007, she moved her practice here to West Seattle, having previously practiced at The Moving Space in Ballard and Full Circle Wellness on Vashon Island. She’s now in the Admiral District, just a block south of Metropolitan Market. Amanda holds an Advanced degree from the Soma Institute of Neuromuscular Integration®, located near Mt. Rainier. She has recently integrated into her work the osteopathic, gentle-touch techniques of Jean-Pierre Barral, learned from Rolfer Jeffrey Burch in Eugene, OR. She is a member of the International Association for Structural Integrators. SOMA is a series of deep and gentle bodywork sessions that restructure the human body (this includes your brain!). Sessions include re-learning movement and loosening restrictive mental/emotional patterns. Some of the benefits of SOMA include:
· Increased energy
· Greater enthusiasm
· Less tension
· Fewer aches & pains
· Better balance
· More physical awareness
· Emotional openness
· Improved self-reliance
· Heightened creativity
· Youthful appearance
· Enhanced athletic performance
Saturday, March 28th at 4 pm, Amanda will be hosting a live demonstration of SOMA in action at her office at 2650 42nd Ave SW (map). One lucky attendee will win a free session! The demonstration is free; please RSVP since space is limited. You can call her at 206-979-6106 or e-mail her at amandathon-soma@yahoo.com – thanks to Somanda Bodyworks for joining the WSB sponsor team, whose current roster can be found here, along with info on how to become part of it!

6 Replies to "Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Somanda Bodyworks"

  • Thomas March 18, 2009 (9:58 pm)

    Glad to see Amanda practicing here in WS. I have really enjoyed working with her and the volume of knowledge she brings to her work. I used to have a good deal of chronic pain in my knees and lower back, both which have all but disappeared after going through the SOMA series. Good luck Amanda, welcome to the good side of the bridge!

  • John H March 19, 2009 (9:00 am)

    I’ve been heading to West Seattle for a few months now to do SOMA with Amanda. What a difference! I’m a jogger, and what I’ve learned from Amanda has enabled me to do much more than I thought possible. Thanks to Amanda, I’m much more “at home” in my body than I used to be, which provides a constant stream of benefits both mental & physical.

    Highly recommended!

  • Nina March 19, 2009 (9:10 am)

    I first saw Amanda in 2001 for the Soma “series” and have continued to do so for tune ups since then. She is highly skilled at knowing what to do to help your body heal. Its been fabulous for me…often resulting in immediate and lasting improvement (had 2 herniated disks with occasional but severe pain flare ups). That, and she uses a cocoa butter massage oil bar that smells (to me) like chocolate – mmmm, wonderful. Amanda gets 5 stars in my book!

  • June March 19, 2009 (9:28 am)

    Welcome to WS Amanda, it is great to have you in the community! I can’t recommend Amanda highly enough. After trying just about everything out there, Rolfing, Swedish, Accupuncture, etc…. I really found SOMA and Amanda’s style the most effective of them all. Can’t say enough about how much better I feel and move through life!

    Great boon for the WS family.

  • Michelle March 26, 2009 (12:55 pm)

    Amanda truly is an amazing healer. I did the Soma series in 2004 and continue to see Amanda for periodic tune-ups. She listens to me and to my body to address the root cause of a problem, not just the symptoms – sometimes I think my right hip is bothering me, but the real source is my left knee, etc. After working with her I am more aware of how my body reacts to things such as stress or pain and am better about self-correct bad habits. She is fabulous, and I highly recommend her!

  • Kimberly L. April 8, 2009 (1:28 pm)

    I fully believe that Amanda is the reason I competed so well in my first season of triathlon and why I was able to recover so quickly from races, monster workouts, and even minor injuries. I wish I had met her sooner in my athletic career! She was able to completely address some long-standing issues that had plagued me as a collegiate swimmer and helped me find balance and a better understanding of my body. I like to joke that with Amanda, “I got an M.D. in ME!”
    She is amazingly intuitive and she will constantly surprise you. Be prepared for something totally unlike a ‘normal’ massage where you just lay there; this is interactive, integrative, and downright fascinating. You get to feel your body release old tensions and work through ‘issues’ as Amanda works her magic! I think no matter your passion in life Amanda’s skill and extensive experience will help you enhance and further your goals and aspirations.

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