Traffic alert: Northbound 1st Ave. S. lane closure starts Monday

Many West Seattleites use this route, so we’re sharing the alert – full news release, ahead:

WSDOT narrows northbound First Avenue S. to one lane near Safeco Field
SEATTLE – Drivers may face significant delays on northbound First Avenue S. in Seattle starting Monday while crews work to widen an intersection near Safeco Field.

Starting at 9 a.m., March 16, crews will close the right lane of northbound First Avenue S. at Edgar Martinez Way S. The lane will remain closed around the clock through March 27.

The lane closure will reduce northbound traffic capacity to one lane and also prohibit right turns onto Edgar Martinez Way S. A signed detour will direct drivers to use S. Royal Brougham Way and Fourth Avenue S. to access Edgar Martinez Way S. Drivers should consider using alternate routes.

During the closure crews will install new drainage structures and pave the southeast corner of the intersection.

Crews are widening the intersection of First Avenue S and S. Atlantic Street/Edgar Martinez Way S. to add turn and travel lanes. The widening is part of the SR 519 Intermodal Access project, which also includes a new westbound off-ramp from I-90 and I-5 to the existing S. Atlantic Street overpass and a bridge over the railroad tracks on S. Royal Brougham Way. Work on the bridge and off-ramp is scheduled to begin this April. For more information, visit

Visit WSDOT’s construction update report at for a complete listing of closures on the SR 519 project.

5 Replies to "Traffic alert: Northbound 1st Ave. S. lane closure starts Monday"

  • OP March 13, 2009 (12:08 pm)

    Psst, here’s a hint for drivers who don’t this little ‘detoru’ and who need to head that direction (I shouldn’t do this, but I’m a standup fella): Get off at 1st, take a right on Horton (1st light) then a left on 4th and—bingo!—in just a couple of minutes you’re downtown. You can thank me later! (And yes, beer is acceptable as payment.)

  • dq March 13, 2009 (1:41 pm)

    too bad they couldn’t have timed it for when the water taxi was running…

  • Colleen March 13, 2009 (2:03 pm)

    I love all the traffic they are doing down there and the fact that they give you all the detour routes and block turns, but don’t manage to extend lights when you take their “detour” route. I love it when it takes 4-6 light cycles to get through the detour.

  • chas redmond March 13, 2009 (10:41 pm)

    so, Colleen, email and tell Grace just how poorly her staff is doing – if you have data, personal stories or any other proof that SDOT isn’t thinking this thing through or that their detours are not well thought-out, then report it to the boss. Grace is very open and SDOT really does try – but these are complex changes and most of the folks involved on the other side probably are not directly affected so the results of their work are often not known to them until someone brings it to their attention.

    I take the bus or do that route in my car when there’s no traffic so I’m not impacted in the sense that I’m not sitting through a detour for three or four lights. My bus bypasses it (54, 55) and I use First Ave. either mid-day or very late at night – really no issues then.

  • Andrew March 14, 2009 (7:10 pm)

    Oh joy, just in time for the new M’s season.

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