Proposals sought by Parks: West Seattle Stadium; Alki firewood


If you don’t frequent the city Parks Department‘s page for “requests for proposals” – you might have missed word that the city has finally published the official “request for proposals” to get a private operator for West Seattle Stadium. It’s one of two RFPs of West Seattle interest — the other seeks vendors to sell firewood at Alki (and Golden Gardens). More on that in a moment. First, the stadium proposal has been in the works a while (first covered here last fall), and still seeks an operator that will pay for improvements as well as run the stadium; the desired improvements are described in the RFP this way:

At minimum, the City has identified the North Grand Stand area, including the restrooms, locker room, walkways, and concession building as a focus for major renovation.

That appears to be a shorter wish list than the draft version of the RFP (9/08 WSB report here). Proposals have to be turned in by March 26; a decision is to be made, with applicants notified, by April 23. Now, about that firewood – the RFP for the vendor search is the last surviving remnant of last summer’s brief beach-fire-ban flap:

Interesting tidbit buried in this RFP – year 1, the vendor-sold firewood would be just an option for beach-fire fans, but if there’s a year 2, they would no longer be allowed to have the option to bring their own:

The Department is seeking proposals from operators to sell wood to the general public for beach fires at specific beach locations in these two parks, from May 1 2009 through April 2010. The Summer months which includes May through September and selected special events, such as the Christmas Ship event, would be the required and most-beneficial times to sell. (NOTE: Park Patrons are not required to purchase wood from this concession and are allowed to bring in their own wood during this first year. If the Department decides to extend or advertise again the following year, we will require that all Park Patrons must purchase the wood from the permitted vendor.)

The Department will select the concessionaire(s) that best demonstrates the ability to provide
innovative, affordable, safe and reliable services to park patrons while paying reasonable concession
fees to the Department. The price of the wood must be no higher than the average price of wood
sold in the Seattle metro area stores (ie Safeway, Albertsons, etc.) You are encouraged to offer
services and/or products that would be complimentary to the existing uses of the park. The
Department reserves the right to approve any proposed business activity.

If you want to seek that contract, March 11 is the deadline for your proposal. Forms and details for both RFPs are linked from this city page.

4 Replies to "Proposals sought by Parks: West Seattle Stadium; Alki firewood"

  • marty February 27, 2009 (10:49 am)

    Seattle has plenty of stadiums and certainly could do without this one. It sits unused over 90% of the time. Why not use the space to improve the golf complex? Put in an income-producing driving range for starters. Next level the old clubhouse and replace it with a more modern facility with income-producing meeting rooms and a decent restaurant. Crazy idea? Ask the operators of Foster, Riverbend, Maplewood and Druids Glenn what happened they updated their facilities. Renovations are way past due at West Seattle, Jefferson Park and Jackson Park. Let’s update these facilities into something we can all use.

  • WSB February 27, 2009 (10:53 am)

    Have you checked out the Golf Course Master Plan? I will admit to not knowing whether that kind of proposal is in the works, but I know they are talking about changes/upgrades. More hearings are coming up — starting with one next month on the financing.

  • brandon February 27, 2009 (1:07 pm)

    Because not everyone is a golfer, so its not something we “can all use”. A nice green space where people can walk, run, enjoy high school sports and other AAU events is something more befitting for the community at large.
    “Seattle has plenty of stadiums”? Have you tried to book space at one during reasonable hours?

  • Mike February 27, 2009 (1:19 pm)

    If the Golf Course pays off the $80M we now need to fund the road projects the city was counting on the state to fund, go for it! Otherwise, NO!

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