Another “National Day of Service” event: Diaper drive!

As mentioned previously, the day before Inauguration Day is not only MLK Day, it’s also the day that President-elect Obama has suggested as a National Day of Service. Add another person to the long list of those answering the call — Katy L from Fairmount Springs:

In response to Obama’s call to National Service in honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this Monday, I am organizing a diaper drive at the Jefferson Square Safeway store on behalf of WestSide Baby. We will be there from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., collecting diapers for low-income families in the South King County area. Nancy Woodland, Executive Director of Westside Baby, tells me their supply of diapers in sizes 4, 5, and 6, as well as training pants, is completely gone. They have had to turn families away.

For those looking for an opportunity to serve that day, we still need a few more volunteers to help out. You can contact me at Otherwise, please stop by to say hello or drop off some diapers, if you can.

Other events are listed on, the website set up for Day of Service – and service opportunities beyond that. Here’s the latest list of results for our search of West Seattle and environs – several more events added since last we checked a few days ago.

2 Replies to "Another "National Day of Service" event: Diaper drive! "

  • Katy L January 18, 2009 (7:49 am)

    Thanks for the post! Safeway has been really gracious and my 7 and 10 year-old daughters are looking forward to it. Feels great to be part of something big like this.

  • cg January 19, 2009 (6:41 am)

    Great idea! Diapers are such a staple on the lives of young parents and I know from experience that WSB can never have enough in stock. Thanks for doing this!

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