West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday
(the ticketed seats in front of the U.S. Capitol, with sign-bearing passersby, and media)
Those are just a couple of the latest photos sent back by two of the West Seattleites who are in “the other Washington” for the presidential inauguration. Last night, we published the first report from Fauntleroy residents Carter and Dan (read it here; photo of Carter at right), and this morning we added photos they sent; tonight, we have just received another report, and lots more pix, including the two above – read on:Read More
That video feature is about Alki Elementary School winning the Governor’s Health Bowl sponsored by the Washington Health Foundation. The WHF sent us the link along with word that Alki Elementary will have teacher and student reps in Olympia next month to be honored for the school’s accomplishment; during the competition last fall, with more than 400 schools participating, they “logged more than 130,000 miles of health,” according to WHF’s Joe Furia. (Joe
Thanks to Cindi Barker for pix of two events this morning and afternoon – first, the Orchard Street Ravine planting party in Gatewood. Cindi reports volunteers “focused on planting the remaining plants provided by Parks right before the snowstorm and mulching everything around the trail and up on the steep east slope.” Here’s a wider shot – the orange flags, Cindi says, mark spots where Parks Department employees did some planting right before last month’s freeze/snow:
Can’t quite place OSR? Here’s a map; here’s our coverage of its dedication three months ago. Meantime, Cindi also provided photos and info from an event this afternoon that was her brainchild, an informal Google Map-making workshop with Alice Enevoldsen, who turned WSBers’ road reports into fabulously helpful G-maps during Snowstorm ’08. Half a dozen people showed up for the gathering at Uptown in The Junction – although Cindi reports it took a bit of a low-tech turn:
Uptown’s wi-fi was having trouble, so Alice resorted to pen and paper for a while. Then a nearby signal was acquired and she was able to get back to demonstrating via the actual website:
If you missed it – Google Maps do have online tutorials, although that’s seldom a substitute for watching somebody like Alice who knows their way around. Thanks again to Alice for being so generous with her time and talents. One last photo to share right now – we certainly agree with JayDee when he sent this under the heading “It was nice to see the sunset tonight”:
Looks like the sun might make an appearance again tomorrow.
As mentioned previously, the day before Inauguration Day is not only MLK Day, it’s also the day that President-elect Obama has suggested as a National Day of Service. Add another person to the long list of those answering the call — Katy L from Fairmount Springs:
In response to Obama’s call to National Service in honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this Monday, I am organizing a diaper drive at the Jefferson Square Safeway store on behalf of WestSide Baby. We will be there from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., collecting diapers for low-income families in the South King County area. Nancy Woodland, Executive Director of Westside Baby, tells me their supply of diapers in sizes 4, 5, and 6, as well as training pants, is completely gone. They have had to turn families away.
For those looking for an opportunity to serve that day, we still need a few more volunteers to help out. You can contact me at revkaty@nwlink.com. Otherwise, please stop by to say hello or drop off some diapers, if you can.
Other events are listed on usaservice.org, the website set up for Day of Service – and service opportunities beyond that. Here’s the latest list of results for our search of West Seattle and environs – several more events added since last we checked a few days ago.
VIDEO SHOOT SCARE: Found this tale of police summoned to what turned out to be a video shoot. Not exactly on the Seacrest Game Show Inferno scale, though.
LIGHTS DOWN, OR ELSE: If you live in High Point, you’re under orders to take your Christmas lights down before this weekend’s over.
Thanks to Chris Weinmann for photos taken this morning of a coyote that he says is “stranded on the lookout at Jack Block Park. The coyote can’t get to you because it is behind the fence. It is very calm (probably cold and hungry) and has been there for hours now. I’m sure it is quite used to people stopping by, by now, too…”
Chris wasn’t sure if anyone had reported that it seemed to be stuck; he said he had no luck reaching Animal Control. We suggested a state wildlife hotline; meantime, we’re going over to see if it’s still there – it had to have GOTTEN there somehow in the first place, so perhaps it will find that same way out, if it hasn’t already. 3:30 PM UPDATE: Back from a visit to Jack Block (among other places). Checked the entire length of its viewpoints/overlooks and didn’t see any sign of the coyote.
Out of the WSB inbox, from Hillary in Arbor Heights, who called the police to report the car break-ins and then sent this to share with you:
I wanted to get the word out that both my husband’s and my cars were broken into last night. We are at 42nd Ave SW and 100th (map). Our GPS units were stolen, some change, and a phone charger (for a phone which was not in the car, so the charger is USELESS to the moron – but I need it since my phone has been discontinued).
We’ve lived here for less than a year, after a big move from the east coast. My husband uses his GPS for work, and I use it because I’m still becoming familiar with the area. We feel extremely violated and are wishing we were back east right about now.
I won’t expound on how I feel about the jerk who did this. But at least we can help others.
The Seattle Police website offers very basic information about deterring car break-ins; however, as we mentioned in our story about the November meeting of the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council, law enforcers say it’s optimal not to leave anything in your car that even hints at a GPS system – even suction cups with nothing visible might give someone impetus to break in to look under the seat or in the glovebox. By the way, the WSCPC meets again this Tuesday night (7 pm at the Southwest Precinct), and there’s always a local police rep in attendance, to share info about the latest local crime trends AND to answer questions personally.
That’s the Google Street View of the Shamrock apartment building, 3262 California SW. The half-century-old 10-unit building is the latest West Seattle apartment complex to go up for sale; asking price $1,495,000 according to this listing. We report most big real-estate listings no matter what, but this one’s particularly interesting because it’s in the area that’s been under review for “upzoning” for more than a year (archived WSB coverage here). This is mentioned in the flyer for the building, which reads in part:
This property may provide a buyer with a high quality building in an excellent location, the potential to increase below market rents, and potentially increase the density of the property with its new zoning of NC1- 40’ (final approval expected).
We haven’t checked lately on the status of the upzoning proposal (after repeated checks kept yielding answers with timeframes that never panned out) but will on Monday; its official city status page is here. Other new and notable multi-unit listings in West Seattle right now include the Limrock in the Admiral District (listing here) and the waterfront brick building on Beach Drive next to Weather Watch Park (listing here)
ROAD WORK: Three spots you might encounter city crews today – SDOT’s Marybeth Turner sent us the alert:
An SDOT crew plans to repair street pavement previously excavated for work on utilities at two locations on 35th SW … 5500 block of 35th SW (map) and at 35th SW and SW Raymond (map). They will also do the same type of work at 3500 West Marginal Way SW (map). The streets will remain open for traffic. They plan to work from 9 am until 3:30 pm.
ALICE’S MAP DEMO: One more reminder — one of the heroes of the incredibly collaborative (thank you again!!!!) WSB Snowstorm ’08 coverage was Alice Enevoldsen, who saw a need and filled it — creating customized Google Maps of West Seattle-wide road conditions as reported by WSB’ers. Morgan Junction‘s Cindi Barker asked Alice if she’d consider sharing her expertise with others, and the resulting get-together is at 1 pm today, Uptown Espresso in The Junction, BYOL(aptop).
WHAT ELSE IS HAPPENING? It’s all in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup.
(Photo courtesy Southwest Seattle Pony Baseball: Red Sox, 2008 Bronco Division champs)
In the past week, we’ve brought you news of West Seattle Little League registration (another session coming up Tuesday) and West Seattle Association of Pee Wee Baseball signups (ongoing, online). This morning: Southwest Seattle Pony Baseball. It’s spring tryout time, according to the announcement we’re sharing, from Doug Groesbeck:
Southwest Seattle Pony Baseball will be holding Spring Tryouts for the Bronco Division on February 7th and 8th between 11 AM and 1 PM at High Point Playfield in West Seattle (map). The Bronco Division is open to players ages 11 and 12 (birthdays between 5/1/1996 and 4/30/1998). You can pre-register for the tryouts through the league website (link here).
Southwest Seattle Pony Baseball also has two teams in our Pony Division for players ages 13 and 14 (birthdays between 5/1/1994 and 4/30/1996). Currently, both teams have a full complement of players and we will not be holding tryouts for this age group on the dates listed above. If however, your child has an interest in playing at this age level, we can facilitate getting you and your child in touch with another Pony League in our area who may be in need of players. If your child would like to have this opportunity, please contact Dennis Crawley (Player Agent) through our website (here’s the link).
Southwest Seattle Pony Baseball is dedicated to providing a competitive, fun and affordable baseball experience to the families of the Greater West Seattle area. The majority of Bronco Division games are played in beautiful Lincoln Park right here in West Seattle. Pony Division home games are held at High Point and Highland Park Playfields, also here in West Seattle.