day : 26/12/2008 9 results

West Seattle snow aftermath: Friday night-overnight notes

Just checked in on Twitter for the first time in a few hours and found this note from mid-evening: “Two snowplows just arrived in High Point! 30th ave hill cleared” – so if you’re still awaiting relief on your street, keep the faith. Rain, wind, and warmer temperatures are in the forecast for days to come, which should help too.

West Seattle snow aftermath: Scenes from the outside world

(view from aboard the carousel at Westlake Park downtown, which is operating through Wednesday)
Just back from the outside world (as in, outside West Seattle) for the first time in who knows how many days. A few notes:

–Just saw a UPS truck in front of the apartment block on California in Morgan Junction south of McDonald’s et al, 8:41 pm. It was pointed north. There may be hope for others tonight.

–While downtown, we saw a trash truck emptying sidewalk containers at 5th/Denny. After missing two weeks of pickups, we are suddenly impressed by the sight of a trash truck. Impressed enough to pull out the camera:

–Also while downtown, we walked into Pacific Place just after 6 pm, when fake snow falls night from the atrium, accompanied by snow-idolizing holiday music, in what’s meant to be a show of “holiday magic” inspiring joy, but was met tonight mostly by weary glowers.

–Downtown, the streets are clear, with massive mountains of dirty snow on all sides. Colorado native co-publisher Patrick says this is what it looks like in Snow Country from January through March, and cautions that those piles will be self-sustaining for days if not weeks.

–Heading back into West Seattle, we did see a few signs of clogged drains – a couple puddles along Fauntleroy Way, for starters. Checking comments that have come in recently, we see someone has relayed a great idea for finding your storm drain IF you are on a major street — check Google Street View. To do that, start at and put your address in; if you were surveyed for Google Street View, you will see a “street view” button inside the little info balloon that points to the address, as well as a thumbnail photo; click the “street view” link and it will bring up a larger version of the image. Once that image is up, you can use your mouse or touchpad to drag it around and look at the scene from anywhere in the 360 view. (Wondering when they traveled through West Seattle? Click here to see a scene that reveals EXACTLY when they went through California/Edmunds in The Junction.)

West Seattle snow aftermath: Reminder – how to request plowing

We’re seeing this all over TV news tonight, but you first heard about it here 10 days ago: How to call the city to ask that your street be plowed (and to be sure they know it HASN’T) – the 24-hour number is 386-1218. In fact – right after we hit “publish” on that reminder – this note came in from SDOT:

Passable conditions have been achieved on all of the city’s primary arterials. SDOT crews continue 24 hour operations and are now working to clear snow and ice from secondary arterials and residential streets. The clearing of snow and ice from secondary arterials and residential streets will be prioritized based on police, fire and life safety concerns. Residents are still encouraged to call (206) 386-1218 to submit specific clearing requests. Requests will be filled on a case by case basis.

West Seattle snow aftermath: “Flood response plan” activated

(one of two storm drains near WSB HQ, cleared, and receiving plenty of runoff/rainwater)
Another announcement just in from Seattle Public Utilities, with helpful info on what to do if this type of flooding turns up in your neighborhood – don’t wait for it to get to crisis level:

In anticipation of warming temperatures and continuing precipitation, Seattle Public Utilties (SPU) has activated its Urban Flood Response Plan — staging extra drainage crews and equipment throughout Seattle, and deploying storm observers to various at-risk sections of the city.

This afternoon’s decision to implement the city’s flood plan was purely precautionary, officials noted, and is intended to head-off potential problems before they develop. Calls from SPU customers asking for assistance with drainage issues have been light over the past 24 hours, with a total of only 14 calls recorded.

Under the flood plan, SPU’s 16 drainage truck crews drop their normal maintenance duties and stand by to field emergency calls. If the volume of calls becomes high enough, additional crews can be brought in from the SPU’s drinking water operations section and other areas of the Utilities.

To report flooding or blocked drains, please call (206) 386-1800.

Seattle Public Utilities has been asking for the public’s help in keeping Seattle’s 78,000 street drains — the city’s first line of defense against storms — free of snow and other debris. But only shovel that drain, SPU said, if you’re sure you can do it safely.

Learn more about adopting a city street drain, at:

If you wondered the same thing one of our Twitter contacts wondered … we asked SPU if there is any online resource for locating the storm drain(s) nearest your house, and we just got the answer back: No. (Anecdotally, we can tell you they seem to be close to corners, so if you have to start somewhere, start there if you’re near one.)

West Seattle snow aftermath: Emerging from the snow cave …

Tamsen in Morgan Junction, one of so many fine folks who’ve shared photos and info during Snowmare ’08, just sent this one, explaining, “I’m going to leave the house when my garden gnome can be seen.” (If it keeps raining like this … maybe tomorrow? Sunday?)

West Seattle snow aftermath: Trash (etc.) service update

(WSB’er photo from during Snowmare ’08 – sorry we don’t still have the name for the credit!)
Just in from Seattle Public Utilities, with trash piling up around the city:

Special Saturday and Sunday pickup is being scheduled, conditions permitting, for the city’s residential garbage, recycling, food and yard waste customers, Seattle Public Utilities said today.

Due to continued inclement conditions, today’s customers (Friday, Dec. 26) are scheduled to be collected tomorrow (Saturday, Dec. 27) and Thursday customers (Dec. 25) will be collected on Sunday, Dec. 28.

Thursday and Friday customers are advised to leave their garbage at the curb through Sunday. Collection contractors will inspect neighborhood routes throughout the weekend for service opportunities. Customers scheduled for Monday through Wednesday pickup should set out their materials on their normal appointed days, next week. There will be no additional charge for setting out extra garbage.

Despite inclement conditions, the city’s collections contractors have been running limited commercial routes around the clock this week, providing service to urgent commercial accounts where containers are accessible. Contractors are running 40 commercial trucks today to serve locations on major arterials and utilizing extra staff to access snow blocked containers. Approximately 40 percent of Seattle’s business accounts have been collected this week.

“We are eager to resume residential services as soon as possible, but safety with our large trucks is our first priority,” said Hans Van Dusen, Solid Waste Contracts Manager for Seattle Public Utilities. “Warmer weather is forecast for this weekend and next week, and we expect that will make it safer to send big trucks back into Seattle’s neighborhoods.”

Customers whose collections have been delayed by a week can set out double their normal amount of garbage at no additional charge. When setting out extra waste, customers are encouraged to place perishable food items in their collection containers and set bagged non-perishable items next to the containers.

Customers who have had their collections missed can also take their waste to Seattle’s Recycling and Disposal stations, where it will be accepted at no charge. Seattle’s Recycling and Disposal stations will be closed on New Year’s Day, January 1.

We’re still doublechecking on whether this means that, if you were missed last time, you set out trash AND recycling AND yard waste – stand by. 10:21 AM UPDATE: Glad we asked. Andy Ryan at SPU says they’re FOCUSING ON RECYCLING AND TRASH – SO JUST PUT THOSE TWO OUT. And remember, SPU told us they’ll be “liberal” in allotment for extra pickup because of missed service, so don’t get panicky about just putting out “exactly” two bags or whatever. 2:37 PM UPDATE: Answering a question posed by WSB’ers, Brett Stav from SPU says the “no charge” time period at the transfer station will extend THROUGH NEXT WEEK – but bring proof you are a Seattle customer, preferably your bill.

Fauntleroy ATV crash update: Rider expected to recover

We just checked with Seattle Police to see about any new information on the 40th/Barton ATV crash we covered very early this morning. In fact, we learned, there are two updates: First, the rider was 45, not 41 as first reported. Second – according to Seattle Police Officer Renee Witt, his injuries are no longer considered to be life-threatening; after evaluation at Harborview Medical Center, he was found to have facial fractures, and that’s it. FRIDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: The SPD media unit has now published an item about this on SPD Blotter (which is automatically fed to our Crime Watch page – any time you check that page, you’ll see the newest West Seattle-specific SPD Blotter items right below WSB Crime Watch story links), noting, “The ATV driver was cited for DUI, Negligent Driving, and violation of the helmet law” (police say he wasn’t wearing a helmet).

West Seattle snow aftermath: Friday morning-afternoon updates

Just in case subfreezing temperatures overnight really do make this a problematic commute — for those who don’t get a 4-day weekend — this is the start of a morning post for you to share bus/road info (etc.).

7:06 AM UPDATE: Checking the hourly temperatures from overnight, doesn’t look like it got below freezing after all — good news if you have to drive this morning. Metro bus riders, remember the reminder two days ago about the “partial holiday schedule”; the list of routes with changes this morning shows runs that are suspended because of that schedule OR “adverse weather.” Here’s the Metro list, most recently updated just before 7.

7:33 AM UPDATE: Haven’t received an official city update re: the trash situation yet, but an update directly from Allied/Republic, which serves some areas, says “no residential routes” in Seattle today.

8:02 AM UPDATE: Live TV picture from alongside The Viaduct shows traffic moving well.

8:43 AM UPDATE: Side-street plow sighting! Pam from Nerd’s Eye View is in Gatewood and just exclaimed via Twitter: “OH MY GOD! Our street is being PLOWED! FREEDOM, SWEET FREEDOM!” And as if to underscore the sense of freedom that’s on the horizon, the sunrise put on a bit of a show this morning, as shown in this photo from MargL in Arbor Heights:

9:07 AM UPDATE: Remember your friendly local West Seattle retailers have some after-Christmas sales going too. Just got an update from the Swee Swee Paperie e-mail list (Junction, east of Cupcake Royale) — 65% off “all holiday cards, paper, and accoutrement.”

9:37 AM UPDATE: Reminder that some things ARE getting back to some semblance of normalcy, post-holiday, post-snowfall. King County says all its offices are open as usual. Seattle Public Library branches will all be open noon-6 pm today per the SPL website. And we are working on more “non-snow news” for later in the day, since a few things have been stacking up … we’ll even have an edition of the West Seattle Weekend Lineup (our every-Friday list of what’s happening Fri-Sat-Sun) later this morning (didn’t publish it last week since almost EVERYTHING was canceled).

10:03 AM UPDATE: New city update on the trash situation – we will post it separately so it doesn’t get lost here.

10:42 AM UPDATE: Somebody cue the “Hallelujah Chorus” – Creighton sends this photo of Charlestown Hill (a few blocks west of California) getting cleared:

11:02 AM UPDATE: We may see some wet snow later, per Cliff Mass, but he insists the warmer air is still on the way. If you want to see what warmer air looks like … the neighborhood-news site Seal Beach Daily in Southern California just posted this photo via Twitter.

1:43 PM UPDATE: Remember to go look for your storm drain(s) on the street if you haven’t already … puddling is happening in our vicinity.

3:16 PM NOTE: This will stay open as a thread for you to discuss buses, roads, whatever’s on your mind … but just wanted to note that we are generally publishing new major updates SEPARATELY (such as a “flood response” announcement that just came in from the city, and the trash item earlier), so check the top of the main page for new news instead of this part of this post. We’ll continue reading the comments as we do for the whole site, of course, so that if there’s anything we can help with (pursuing info), we will do our best.

Update: ATV rider badly hurt in Fauntleroy crash

ORIGINAL 12:20 AM POST: Just got a note from Annie about an accident that’s blocking traffic on SW Barton in Fauntleroy (although a bus was allowed through before the yellow tape was stretched across the road again) – she said Barton/Director, the 911 log says Barton/Henderson (map suggests Annie’s description is more accurate). E-mail suggests ATVs possibly involved. Avoid the area; we’re checking for more info. 12:45 AM UPDATE: Barton’s blocked at 40th (map) to everything but buses, according to people in the area. No official info so far. 1:17 AM UPDATE: Police are still investigating – and a tow truck has been seen taking an ATV away. 1:31 AM UPDATE: Seattle Police spokesperson Officer Jeff Kappel has just left a detailed update on the SPD media line: He says this indeed was a crash involving an ATV. According to the update: When emergency personnel got to the scene, a 41-year-old man, believed to be a West Seattle resident, was lying in the street at 40th/Barton; his 4-wheel ATV was overturned nearby. He may have been riding with a friend but that friend did not see the crash and wasn’t involved. The victim has a head injury that police describe as “life-threatening,” and he was rushed to Harborview Medical Center. The department’s traffic-collision investigators are on the scene now to try to figure out what happened. Officer Kappel said he didn’t expect an update for several hours.