Update: ATV rider badly hurt in Fauntleroy crash

ORIGINAL 12:20 AM POST: Just got a note from Annie about an accident that’s blocking traffic on SW Barton in Fauntleroy (although a bus was allowed through before the yellow tape was stretched across the road again) – she said Barton/Director, the 911 log says Barton/Henderson (map suggests Annie’s description is more accurate). E-mail suggests ATVs possibly involved. Avoid the area; we’re checking for more info. 12:45 AM UPDATE: Barton’s blocked at 40th (map) to everything but buses, according to people in the area. No official info so far. 1:17 AM UPDATE: Police are still investigating – and a tow truck has been seen taking an ATV away. 1:31 AM UPDATE: Seattle Police spokesperson Officer Jeff Kappel has just left a detailed update on the SPD media line: He says this indeed was a crash involving an ATV. According to the update: When emergency personnel got to the scene, a 41-year-old man, believed to be a West Seattle resident, was lying in the street at 40th/Barton; his 4-wheel ATV was overturned nearby. He may have been riding with a friend but that friend did not see the crash and wasn’t involved. The victim has a head injury that police describe as “life-threatening,” and he was rushed to Harborview Medical Center. The department’s traffic-collision investigators are on the scene now to try to figure out what happened. Officer Kappel said he didn’t expect an update for several hours.

21 Replies to "Update: ATV rider badly hurt in Fauntleroy crash"

  • mellaw6565 December 26, 2008 (12:36 am)

    I’m housesitting on 40th & Barton – the police have Barton blocked off beginning at 40th. They allowed me to turn onto my street. I noticed a whitish older van with yellow lights on top pull up behind me on Barton, and someone got out and was talking with the police – then they walked down towards the accident. I could not see anything from the curve at 40th.

  • WSB December 26, 2008 (12:38 am)

    thanks for the info. as I told the tipster by e-mail, usually we roll out to breaking news, whatever the hour. however, at the moment, I don’t have a safe way of getting over there in re-icing conditions (and from the scanner traffic, it sounds like those tending to the situation are having some challenges themselves) so I am monitoring the scanner – TR

  • Mel December 26, 2008 (12:41 am)

    The accident is between Director and Henderson, on Barton. Fairly certain ATVs are involved, and no automobiles. As of 12:40, police are allowing buses to pass through, but are turning away all other motorists.

  • Yellow59 December 26, 2008 (12:42 am)

    f*cking ATV’s!

  • mellaw6565 December 26, 2008 (12:45 am)

    I would walk down there but I’m cold and exhausted after a 14 hour day of pet sitting and I have to do it all over again starting at 7 am. Sorry:(

  • headcase December 26, 2008 (4:09 am)

    Two ATVs have been hot-dogging all over my area: Gatewood. Up and down my street: Orchard

    Its a real bummer some ATV riders think a little snow means there are no laws. Its illegal to ride ATVs (now refered to as OHV – Off Highway Vehicles) on city of Seattle streets. LIke its not hard enough for us all to navigate our hills etc… without looking out for careless people on motorized toys made for fields and forests (obnoxious as that is too).

    hope the guy is not hurt too bad and people lear from this one.

  • JimmyG December 26, 2008 (7:49 am)


  • Aim December 26, 2008 (8:21 am)

    As much as I hated hearing the ATVs the last few days, I would never ever wish this on anyone. What a terrible thing to happen. So sorry to hear it.

  • Bonnie December 26, 2008 (8:50 am)

    I live right up the street from there and didn’t hear a thing. So sorry to hear about someone hurt.

  • Creighton December 26, 2008 (9:25 am)

    What a horrible thing for the rider’s family, and the rider most of all, especially right after Christmas. I hope the rider comes though this. Such a sad thing for everyone.

    I wonder if I saw him, recently, as one of those late night ATV riders in my neighborhood?

  • B-squared December 26, 2008 (9:44 am)

    just can’t feel bad about this. stupid is as stupid does.
    the laws are in place for a reason. just because you can get away with something illegal doesn’t mean you should try….

  • WSB December 26, 2008 (9:51 am)

    Just posted an update atop the home page – After evaluation at HMC, he was found to only (relative word) have “facial fractures,” per police. Amazing (knock wood) that after all this snow and ice in the past two weeks, we have NOT had a fatality crash. Don’t anybody get overconfident, though, till it’s all melted away … temps are in the 40s so here’s hoping that’s soon.

  • JS December 26, 2008 (1:42 pm)

    This is terrible news. We were seeing ATVs frequently on Charlestown Street last week, including one with a child riding on the back of one without a helmet.

  • JS December 26, 2008 (1:46 pm)

    This is terrible news. We saw ATVs frequently on Charlestown St last week, including one with a child riding on the back without a helmet.

  • wsp December 26, 2008 (2:53 pm)

    very unfortunate accident in our neighborhood hope our neighbor has a speedy recovery our laws are so broad that anything can be considered illegal if viewed that way. Many people were seriously hurt in the last few days from slipping and falling on our slick roadways. This accident should not cast a shadow on atv riders having fun on our snow covered streets because if I owned one I would have used it also I have lived here for over 30 years.

  • WTF December 26, 2008 (3:06 pm)

    Although no one should die because of their stupidity, what a moron. ATVs are NOT snow vehicles, not allowed on city streets and that dumbass put others at risk. This guy knew this, but made the choice to ride an ATV on snow & ice laden roads that are unsafe for standard vehicles! How can any of you “feel” for this guy. His arrogance and stupidity may have just caused him his life. Even more stupid was the (other) person who took a child’s life in their hands.

  • Jana December 26, 2008 (3:23 pm)

    Very sad indeed, although I’m REALLY not at all surprised by this accident after witnessing the recent reckless driving of people on ATV’s.
    Now I don’t know if this driver was a part of the grouping that I witnessed last week but there were 5 ATV’s driving all over near Charlestown hill & the surrounding neighborhood at night, giving rides, racing, playing chicken with the people who were simply trying to sled on Charlestown Hill.

    I called the cops and confronted some of these kids on their reckless and dangerous driving and warned them that somebody is going to get seriously injured if not killed. They eventually crowded out those wishing to sled on Charlestown St. and went up and down the hill several times on their ATV’s. The cops arrived rather quickly but at the bottom of Charlestown hill and then all the ATV’ers scattered into the side streets. Except for one lady who looked like she was in her 40’s, they all seemed to be in their teens and underage drinking was very much a part of the whole scene. I’m just appalled that the parents of these kids allowed them to take these things out and play in the side streets. Come on parents, have the balls to say no to your kids or go with them at least to make sure they’re being safe!!!

  • Creighton December 26, 2008 (5:09 pm)

    I was just walking up Charlestown hill this morning and the melting snow is reveling the scattered beer cans, trash, broken plastic, more beer cans, beer bottles and a burned out 55 gallon barrel. WTF happened there? Combine that with the ATV reports and I feel sorry for the neighbors around there.

  • CB December 26, 2008 (5:44 pm)

    Driver of the ATV was sited for DUI, Reckless driving, and not wearing a helmet.

  • Molly December 26, 2008 (11:14 pm)

    I called the cops on one ATV riding East on Charlestown at the start of the snow – when was it? 2 weeks ago? Anyway, the streets were slick and the ATV came speeding towards me with two people on it. The rider in back was without a helmet. Don’t know if the cops got them. Wouldn’t wish serious injury on the ATVers, but can’t feel sorry for them when they do get hurt, if they’re going to be stupid.

  • WTF December 27, 2008 (11:42 am)

    Can’t wait for them to drive around again, after the snow and it’s easier to get their license numbers and follow (only to find out where they live, not to confront). As much as I think SPD is complacent, cops getting enough complaints and information, will investigate; especially after this accident. A camera is a nice tool to keep on hand. What a bunch of losers. Have to laugh in disgust at irresponsible “parents” (a term I use very loosely here) and their FPAs (future prisoners of America).

Sorry, comment time is over.