West Seattle Weather Watch: Official briefing; wind advisory

Just found this on the National Weather Service’s Seattle website – they’ve put up the PowerPoint presentation from the official “hazardous weather briefing” delivered a bit earlier today. See it here. (Still awaiting updated forecasts — should be out any time now — but that “briefing” indicates the rain won’t be quite so bad here in the metro area, half-inch to an inch by tomorrow afternoon.) 3:48 PM UPDATE: The updated forecasts and advisories are coming online now – a wind advisory is in effect starting at 10 pm (read about it here), for starters, and it says 45 mph gusts are possible.

3 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: Official briefing; wind advisory"

  • JayDee November 11, 2008 (6:06 pm)

    Well, despite being November, I still like it when the forecast discussion mentioned high pressure building in over the weekend. Sure, there will likely be high clouds, but in November, any light is appreciated by those of us who aren’t native mossbacks.

  • Gina November 11, 2008 (7:04 pm)

    Jim Forman is shaking out his Parka in preparation.

  • P November 11, 2008 (9:27 pm)

    Gina, you forgot to start that with Drama Jim Forman…. I wonder what he would do if we had a whopper of a blizzard like I grew up with in Iowa and South Dakota! We used to commute with snow mobile.

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