West Seattle Crime Watch: “Shots fired” confirmed

Early this morning, WSB Forum members discussed hearing gunshots. We couldn’t find anything obvious on scanner/911 at the time. This morning, however, Seattle Police have posted a report on the SPD Blotter site; shots fired in the 20th/Henderson vicinity, nobody hit/hurt, but bullets pierced the wall of a home; no arrests reported so far. Just a reminder, any and all West Seattle entries from SPD Blotter are automatically posted on the WSB Crime Watch page as soon as the police department publishes them – you can check the Crime Watch page for the latest updates from SPD Blotter and WSB coverage, any time.

1 Reply to "West Seattle Crime Watch: "Shots fired" confirmed"

  • gatekrasher November 13, 2008 (12:43 pm)

    Myself and a guest were on the porch and heard these no more than a couple blocks away from our house at 18th & Henderson late last night; 8-10 shots in very rapid succession. Then the sound of footsteps and someone saying from behind a bush “I’m gangster..”

    It was my roommate arriving home from work.

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