TIME CAPSULE: One more reminder before the big day arrives — tomorrow is the day that will be memorialized in a time capsule to be buried next year at the new Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza; the Southwest Seattle Historical Society/Log House Museum folks are inviting contributions from all over the city, with an emphasis on items that will represent what life was like in Seattle on November 13, 2008 (157th anniversary of the Denny Party landing), when it’s opened on November 13, 2058. See this WSB update for more details on what to save and how to submit it; we’ll be offering electronic and printed copies of all tomorrow’s posts so we’ll be out taking more pix than usual, literally for posterity’s sake.
VIADUCT: This one’s for the ages too — a media briefing’s just been called to announce more findings about the possible options for replacing the Alaskan Way Viaduct‘s Central Waterfront section. The 2:30 pm briefing downtown will preview what the Viaduct Stakeholders Advisory Committee (which includes West Seattleites Vlad Oustimovitch and Pete Spalding) will review at its Town Hall meeting 2 hours later; we of course will be at the briefing to bring you the newest information as state, city, and county leaders get closer to figuring out the plan for what happens after the central section comes down in 2012.
ART WALK: Tomorrow night, the weather should improve in time for the monthly West Seattle Art Walk – more than 40 venues are participating now, all over West Seattle, 6-9 pm, and many have artists’ receptions (like WSB inaugural sponsor Hotwire Coffee, which is having a staffers’ art show, including Blayne of “Project Runway” fame) – see the full list of participants, and get the map, at the WSAW blog.