West Seattle Crime Watch: Two angry break-in victims

Two of your West Seattle neighbors have e-mailed to let you know what happened when burglars targeted them – one in Arbor Heights, one on Genesee Hill. Sometimes, the Crime Watch reader reports we get are simple and emotionless, but not these two:

First, from Maureen:

This morning, a particularly busy morning at work, I received a phone call at 10:13 am from a wonderfully observant neighbor saying that the front door to my house appeared to have been forced open and that it looked like my house, that I share with my hubby (an avid WS blog reader), our infant daughter, 2 dutiful cats, and kooky black Labrador, had been broken into. The cops showed up up within 15 minutes and my husband shortly after that who confirmed that our house had in fact been broken into and ransacked at some point this morning in broad daylight. We live on a very quiet street in Arbor Heights that as my neighbor says, has never had any trouble in the 15 years she’s lived here. Whoever they were (I am really trying to refrain from using expletives, but haven’t been so polite all day), didn’t leave any stone unturned, they went through every draw and cabinet and closet and only took things small enough to fit in a bag, and really only had meaning to me and my family. I would love to get our things back, but know that will never happen… how do people get away with this kind of random act of selfishness and disrespect?

I have been feeling an overwhelming sense of violation and anger and I just don’t know where to channel it. I want to scream from the rooftops but just don’t think that’s going to ease my feelings…

i just think everyone should know that even the safe neighborhoods are no longer “safe.” These days i think people are more desperate than ever. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly don’t think the “fine upstanding a**holes” that broke into my house and took my things are suffering because their stock portfolios took a hit this week, but i do believe that they are more desperate by the day. I just hope that Karma has a field day with them and they get this and however many other crimes they’ve committed back at them 100 times over – though even this will not ease my current pain and fears.

PS – there has been a white Honda (maybe a Civic) hatchback “hanging out” on our street… they are on our radar!!!

From Juan:

I want to report a break-in in WS in the Genesee Hill/Junction area.

I live on Genesee and 45th Ave SW and our home was broken into. they used a screwdriver to pry the back door open and made off with two Apple computers valued at about $5000 and cameras, ipods, Wii, video games, etc.

This is horrible, I read that a similar event happened nearby and I wonder what is happening to our little neighborhood. I am installing an alarm system posthaste and perhaps buying a dog.

15 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Two angry break-in victims"

  • Rick October 22, 2008 (7:23 am)

    I’ve had three cars stolen and two houses burglarized so I can relate. I’d like to extend an invitation to the punks WHEN I’M HOME to show them some hospitality. Angry?…no Righteous? …Maybe

  • A Victim No Longer October 22, 2008 (9:20 am)

    I am so sorry for both of your losses. We were victims twice last summer, once while we were sleeping (our alarm and us startled them). I will tell you as good as the police might be in catching them, it won’t do much good they will be out in no time. The best prevention is an alarm, vigilant neighborhood watch and common sense in locking house and windows.

    And lastly, get to know your neighbors. We lived next to folks for 7 years and said hi on occasion, but it wasn’t until we were faced with a crime did we come together. Neighbors and extra eyes are your best defense. And to Maureen, go ahead and scream…get it out. You can’t let this paralyze you and have you live in fear.

  • deb October 22, 2008 (10:31 am)

    Maureen and Juan, I’m so sorry this happened to both of you. I can’t even imagine how traumatizing this must be. I’m sending good thoughts your way, and I’m going to be better from now on about keeping a closer eye on my neighbors’ houses when I’m at home.

  • AlkiKmac October 22, 2008 (10:54 am)

    Maureen – Don’t give up on finding your belongings. You might start seeing your small items at pawn shops and the paper trail could result in charges. Small hope…the audacity of hope.

  • Brandon October 22, 2008 (11:55 am)

    Don’t forget to check Craig’s list too, or even EBay. scum. the worst part is that it’s just a slap on the wrist. But keep in mind the case last winter when the man in White Center that surprised the punks (14-17) in his house and paid with his life. You never know how desperate these people are…

  • Melissa October 22, 2008 (11:58 am)

    That’s dreadful. I’m terribly sorry for both of you. Can we get any more street info, for those of us in either of those neighborhoods? Thanks.

  • pelicans October 22, 2008 (2:36 pm)

    To All – Just watched King 5 News at Noon and saw a possible solution to the problem of watching your house while away. They had a report on a remote camera that can be purchased for less than $200 (can’t remember the exact price). It is wireless and transmits pictures to a server operated by a local company who puts the images on the internet. The customer pays a $25 monthly fee and can not only view his/her home via computer, but from any phone or device w/internet access. Can’t remember the name of the company, but they said it was on the King 5 website as a link. I’m definitely going to check this out today. For that price you can’t afford not to. Possibly it will be on tonight’s news also and/or Northwest Cable News. The company’s rep said many people are using it to check on their pets during the day as well.

  • Brandon October 22, 2008 (4:27 pm)

    Costco has some solutions as well (as I am sure do other retailers) without the monthly fee. Pricing about $600 for four camera’s, hard drive recorder, night vision and net access.


  • Rick October 22, 2008 (5:16 pm)

    Check out DealExtreme. They have remote stand alone cameras with rotate and zoom for 105.00$ Go Tampa Bay!!!

  • Rick October 22, 2008 (5:24 pm)

    Ooops!, sorry. It’s actually 109.00$ but has free shipping. Once again, go Tampa Bay!

  • rowboat October 22, 2008 (7:23 pm)

    We are Juan’s neighbors and it looks like the criminals came through our backyard breaking the lock on our back gate. Just last June, I was in our kitchen and heard unusual sounds. Opened my side door to see three teens trying to kick in Juan’s front door about 3:00 in the afternoon. They casually strolled away only to climb up the embankment from our alley and re-appear on Juan’s porch about 45 minutes later. I overheard them talking about “laptops and computers”.We got a good look at them and the police did finally come but the teens were long gone by the time they got here. It’s frustrating. At our house we will become more vigilant about setting our alarm at night and during the day. So sad…

  • oh no you don't October 22, 2008 (10:34 pm)

    I’m so sorry, too that this happened to you guys. I don’t think anything will happen in our neighborhoods until will al get really PISSED off. It’s not enough anymore to clean up the mess and get an alarm. If it doesn’t look right, or if it doesn’t feel right, it’s not right. Who cares if you’re a nosey neighbor. Make it known you will “tattle tell”. Call the police, shout, pretend there are more than one or two people near you. Make people you’re uncomfortable with know you’re uncomfortable and that they are not welcome near you or your home. Better to be thought a jerk, than to be thought a “mark”. These guys don’t just randomly “find your house”, they case, check things out, walk around, drive by, and wait before going for it. Pay attention to your surroundings. Get to know who lives next door to you…don’t just shake hands, but talk about situations like this and feel them out as to what they would do to help you & you would do to help them…actions speak louder than words.

  • epl October 22, 2008 (10:48 pm)

    Does anyone know / heard whether the police will be stepping up patrols in OUR neighborhoods on Halloween? With it being on a Friday, I’m sure there will be much more “activity” this year. Any insights?

  • Lee October 25, 2008 (2:05 pm)

    My house was also broken into on Friday, 10/24/08 on 17th Ave SW and Graham St. It happened during the day when I’m at work. Received a call from the police around 2:30pm about the break in. I also feel angry and frustrated.Definitely will look into an alarm system.

  • Ron October 28, 2008 (12:04 pm)

    I have lived in West Seattle my entire life, this is what happens when they try to force density and section 8 housing on use. I have had my house broken in to, one car stolen and one ransacked. Take a gun safety class and buy a hand gun while you still can. Cheers

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