Two of your West Seattle neighbors have e-mailed to let you know what happened when burglars targeted them – one in Arbor Heights, one on Genesee Hill. Sometimes, the Crime Watch reader reports we get are simple and emotionless, but not these two:
First, from Maureen:
This morning, a particularly busy morning at work, I received a phone call at 10:13 am from a wonderfully observant neighbor saying that the front door to my house appeared to have been forced open and that it looked like my house, that I share with my hubby (an avid WS blog reader), our infant daughter, 2 dutiful cats, and kooky black Labrador, had been broken into. The cops showed up up within 15 minutes and my husband shortly after that who confirmed that our house had in fact been broken into and ransacked at some point this morning in broad daylight. We live on a very quiet street in Arbor Heights that as my neighbor says, has never had any trouble in the 15 years she’s lived here. Whoever they were (I am really trying to refrain from using expletives, but haven’t been so polite all day), didn’t leave any stone unturned, they went through every draw and cabinet and closet and only took things small enough to fit in a bag, and really only had meaning to me and my family. I would love to get our things back, but know that will never happen… how do people get away with this kind of random act of selfishness and disrespect?
I have been feeling an overwhelming sense of violation and anger and I just don’t know where to channel it. I want to scream from the rooftops but just don’t think that’s going to ease my feelings…
i just think everyone should know that even the safe neighborhoods are no longer “safe.” These days i think people are more desperate than ever. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly don’t think the “fine upstanding a**holes” that broke into my house and took my things are suffering because their stock portfolios took a hit this week, but i do believe that they are more desperate by the day. I just hope that Karma has a field day with them and they get this and however many other crimes they’ve committed back at them 100 times over – though even this will not ease my current pain and fears.
PS – there has been a white Honda (maybe a Civic) hatchback “hanging out” on our street… they are on our radar!!!
From Juan:
I want to report a break-in in WS in the Genesee Hill/Junction area.
I live on Genesee and 45th Ave SW and our home was broken into. they used a screwdriver to pry the back door open and made off with two Apple computers valued at about $5000 and cameras, ipods, Wii, video games, etc.
This is horrible, I read that a similar event happened nearby and I wonder what is happening to our little neighborhood. I am installing an alarm system posthaste and perhaps buying a dog.