Terri from West Seattle’s CoolMom.org chapter sends that photo of one of the big white barrels to look for at seven West Seattle locations: Any time from now through 3 pm November 14th, you can leave a bag of used toys/kids’ gear (no clothing or car seats) in one of those barrels, and as long as it contains a slip of paper with your name/phone number, you’ll be on the list of donors to get a $5 credit at the group’s Toy Swap ‘n’ Sale the next day. You don’t have to donate ahead of time, of course, to shop at the sale, which will happen 9 am-1 pm 11/15 at the Camp Long Lodge, but the CoolMoms are hoping it’ll be a nice incentive. Not only will the sale work toward “saving money while saving the planet,” to paraphrase the sign on the barrel, it’s also a fundraiser for CoolMom.org, WestSide Baby, and the West Seattle Food Bank. Here are the seven locations with barrels where you can drop off that bag of stuff for the sale – PCC, West Seattle Thriftway, Coffee to a Tea, Gatewood Elementary, Expedition Trips, Community School of West Seattle, and Allstar Fitness Kids’ Club (members only). Here’s the official flyer.
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