We dropped by the Seattle Parks Foundation‘s “park” in The Junction thinking it was a quick photo op – and instead, we found out a lot of new information that answers a question asked every time we show the site of Junction Plaza Park (northwest corner of 42nd/Alaska): “When is it going to be done and how much more money do they need?” Read on for details plus the latest park plan:
That’s Woody Wheeler, project director for SPF, working with the West Seattle Junction Association to get Junction Plaza Park through the final phase of its development: “We’ve got new momentum,” he told WSB as we chatted next to the PARK(ing) Day park set up specifically to provide info on the project. One of the handouts has the park’s slightly revised design – we don’t have an electronic copy of it yet, so we took a photo of the art on the flyer:
$350,000 is needed to complete the park. Wheeler says they’re talking now to potential major donors, like the local developers with projects in The Junction, as well as foundations, and they’re also planning to apply for more city funds (Pro Parks money has already gone into earlier phases of the park project, including the land acquisition three years ago). They’re hoping to wrap up fundraising by the end of next June – then if all goes well, construction could start about this time next year, and the park could be done in early 2010. If you want to know more – you’ve got till 4 pm to check out the informational PARK(ing) Day “park” and info table by KeyBank in The Junction:
That’s Todd Burley, SPF communications director, who was also there with Wheeler when we visited. Here’s the SPF info page on Junction Plaza Park (more to be added);