Door-to-door alert, WSB HQ edition

If you’re in Upper Fauntleroy, heads-up, you may get a doorknock from “Evans Glass.” At WSB HQ, it was a particularly energetic doorknock, er, door-pounding, moments ago. We don’t open the door to anyone, even in the interest of journalistic research; “sorry, we don’t deal with solicitors” was answered with “Oh, we’re not trying to sell you anything, we’re from Evans Glass” and we repeated “no thanks” (answered with a polite “OK”); coincidentally, we had just received a note from WSB’er Venkat, also in Upper Fauntleroy, saying they’d been at his door offering “free energy inspections” that online research suggests is a prelude to window sales.

22 Replies to "Door-to-door alert, WSB HQ edition"

  • l September 24, 2008 (7:35 pm)

    Thanks for the heads up. I’m actually looking to get some new windows installed and will be sure to avoid that company now. Saying they’re not trying to sell you anything is a lie. Lie bad!

  • justme September 24, 2008 (7:40 pm)

    I was recently told that some people from Comcast are going door to door with free “upgrades” for their current customers. Has anyone else been approached with this same soliciting? I hesitate to even let official looking people enter my home. It’s crazy out there!

  • Diane September 24, 2008 (8:15 pm)

    Comcast hires contract companies to go door to door; I see their ads on CL all the time

  • gatewoodperson September 24, 2008 (9:14 pm)

    I’m in Gatewood. They came to my door tonight. I just was insistent that I wasn’t going to buy windows so no consultation was needed. The young men that were being trained were dressed well, clean cut, very professional. I strongly felt they were just trying to have a job and that they were very uncomfortable going door to door but their boss was with them. They are just trying to make a living, I don’t think there is a need to be alarmed.

  • A September 24, 2008 (9:17 pm)

    It’s Penguin Windows (I think) roaming around Seaview and Belvidere neighborhoods. Super annoying. “Not selling anything. Just a free inspection.” All the while I am saying we just bought the house (literally 2 weeks ago!) and we’re trying to paint. Sorry we’re not interested, no time. And he continued on while I shut the door on him twice! Later when I left the house I saw their van dropping off two more ppl to go door to door. Whatever happened to no really meaning no? I’m not interested means I am NOT interested. Ugh.

  • Brandon September 24, 2008 (10:00 pm)

    Dude, its the Economy! People are trying to find work and put a meal on the table. Rudeness shouldn’t be included in a salespersons spiel, but some people ARE trying to put food on the table.

  • James September 24, 2008 (10:30 pm)

    We were sitting down to a late dinner (7:30 pm) this evening. With the cooler weather, cooking steams up our front windows. There is was an insistent knock at the door. There is older morbidly obese Caucasian man and younger African American man at my door. The younger man says we’re from Evans Glass. The first words out of the older man’s mouth are “do you know you have a failed window?” I said no it is not failed we just cooked dinner and shut the door. These folks struck me as aggressive solicitors. It makes me want to get and display a NO SOLISTERS sign.

  • OP September 25, 2008 (12:45 am)

    Um, guys, just a simple ‘no thank, I’m busy’ will do. Oh, and BTW, we actually did answer the door for the Evans glass folks; and, after making an appointment with the canvasers, we’re having windows installed soon. They’re on the up and up, and as long as you ask for ID (which you should do always), everything is kosher. Also, we asked our Evans sales rep about the door-to-door technique and they said it’s the only way they “advertise”. As archaic as it may seem, some people still do business that way. So relax, be civil and be vigilant. And don’t be so paranoid. Not everyoen is in a black helicopter out to get you….

  • OP September 25, 2008 (12:47 am)

    Let me add: the Evans folsk came by our house over a month ago; the window are going in on Monday.

    And while we’re being paranoid, I had Gov. Gregoire’s folks come by my place tonight, adn told them to peddle their tripe else where ( I did it nicely, however.)

    So there’s thst…

  • Diane September 25, 2008 (1:36 am)

    ditto OP

  • Jack Loblaw September 25, 2008 (6:22 am)

    Once again I have to ask why in this day and age does anyone open their door to anyone that they do not know ?

    Here is a copy of our no soliciting sign:


    This means that unless you are invited do not knock nor ring our doorbell No Selling, No Announcing, No Door hangers, No Introducing Yourself, No Marketing, No Surveys, No Anything UNLESS YOU WERE INVITED

    It has worked 100% of the time so far.


  • justme September 25, 2008 (6:53 am)

    I have two No Soliciting signs. One at the gate and one on the front door. It still doesn’t work. We just need to train our kids about not answering the door. I’ve even been approached while out running errands by peddlers as soon as I step out of my car. Annoying but a cheap way to sell indeed.

  • GenHillOne September 25, 2008 (9:41 am)

    A – someone from Penguin _______ knocked on our door yesterday. Didn’t open door and only caught the Penguin part of name as they walked away.

    justme – Comcast came a couple of weeks ago with hard, hard sell; wanted us to sign for upgrade then and there…uh, no; annoyed that we asked him to leave printed material (left us with Snohomish Co. brochure, thanks); complained to Comcast – with person’s name – about the practice

  • star55 September 25, 2008 (10:06 am)

    During a Block Watch Meeting with SPD it was recommended taht we put up “No solictors” sign on our front window. We did and since then no one has come to our house. Cheap fix.

  • jissy September 25, 2008 (10:15 am)

    Very glad to hear this report, thanks WSB and all….. I too got the very “door-pounding” knock and while I thought a moment that I wasn’t going to answer (they couldn’t see me in my home office), I realized they could see my baby playing on the floor… got up to shoo them away and realized they didn’t even come to my front door but my very dark pantry/backdoor… was definitely not going to encounter them there espec. at 8:00 at night.

  • OP September 25, 2008 (10:34 am)

    Jack, love the post! BTW, just after I closed the door on Gergorie canvaser, I asked The Wife, “Say, hon, do you think we should get one of those ‘No Solicitors’ signs”. She looked at me and said, “Ya think?” Ah, message received loud and clear. Reason #4,352 why I married her.

  • Diane September 25, 2008 (11:49 am)

    jeez Jack, how friendly and neighborly of you
    so if I was your neighbor, you would not even allow me to come over and introduce myself?

  • Brandon September 25, 2008 (12:35 pm)

    Maybe its time for bars on the doors and windows and turrets on the roof if the intrusion is so impersonal. I agree Diane, I would think Jack would be missing out on a good neighbor. Course, thems the ones we talk about at block parties cuz we don’t invite em…we can’t go up to the door to do it :)

  • datamuse September 25, 2008 (1:56 pm)

    Ya know, guys, sometimes people just aren’t sociable. Last I checked, that wasn’t a crime.

  • Michelle D. September 25, 2008 (1:59 pm)

    We had a knock on the door from Evans Glass a few months ago over in here in Highland Park. We let them in, went through the whole thing because we were actually wanting windows. They were nice enough — but they abruptly left before giving us a quote, promised to call with one, but never did. We were considering them against Champion Windows, had given them our time, and felt it was very rude. After calling to complain and ask for our quote we talked to someone who had no idea what happened, but told us told someone would need to come out again to give us a quote. NO THANKS. It was weird…

    We ended up going with Champion.

  • 17th and Thistle September 25, 2008 (7:56 pm)

    Sure, it’s true that some door-to-door people are legit, but when I have someone knocking on my door at 7:30 pm, I’m a bit suspicious. Evans Glass just came by, knocked heavily. When I opened the door she told me who she was with but could see that we have vinyl windows, something she couldn’t see from the street. Nice and everything, with a badge and official shirt, but come on. It’s dark out, it’s a weeknight, I have a sleeping baby that’s about to be woken up by my dog that’s barking like mad at you knocking on my door. So yeah, she’s trying to make a living, but can’t she do it before 8 pm? And if she couldn’t see my vinyl windows from the street, she probably wouldn’t have been able to see my No Solicitors sign if I had one.

  • GenHillOne September 25, 2008 (9:19 pm)

    I had to come back here to confirm name, but there was a group of 6 or so of these guys outside the Jefferson Square Safeway today (4:30?). Navy blue Evans shirts. Maybe I’ll get a discount since one of them insisted on noticing my “nice a**” – yeah, sign me up.

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