West Seattle Crime Watch reader report: Park car break-in

Out of the WSB inbox, from Michale:

Just thought your readers should know that my car was broke into at the Westcrest dog park yesterday around 5 PM. My passenger side window was smashed out and the door frame bent. This was in the North parking lot. A couple of days ago, there was glass from another car window that had been smashed out. I should have taken the hint and parked somewhere else! I just want to warn other readers that this is happening at the dog park lately and be advised to make sure there are no valuables in the car. This seems to be a smash and grab. The thief did not take the time to go through my car, but simply reached through and grabbed a saddle bag – luckily for me it was empty.

12 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch reader report: Park car break-in"

  • Todd August 1, 2008 (7:47 pm)

    My car was broken into near Charlestown Cafe. I didn’t even report it. Just didn’t replace the stereo. It’s sad that one cannot even keep a POS stereo in their car anymore. I got tired of replacing it. This way, it wont get broken into anymore. Nothing in the glove compartment and nothing electronic or “flashy” for the lowlifes to covet.

  • Todd August 1, 2008 (7:49 pm)

    PS Sorry this happened to you, I know how it feels. Hope karma kicks these criminals arses or God has a special place for them.

  • fiz August 1, 2008 (9:30 pm)

    It’s hard, too, when you know which neighbor kid is the lowlife but can’t prove it.

  • JanS August 1, 2008 (10:27 pm)

    I say…put a loaded giant sized mouse trap in the glove box…when they start rooting around in it, let them get their little fingers caught..

  • KM August 2, 2008 (12:11 am)

    I like that idea, Jan; however I’d probably forget it was in there after a while and get injured rooting around for my registration papers or something! :-)

  • PSPS August 2, 2008 (6:48 am)

    Aything that even remotely looks like it might contain a laptop computer will get your window smashed like this.
    If it does contain a laptop or anything else of value, it will be listed “for sale” on either eBay or Craigslist within a couple of hours. These are the modern fencing operations.

  • paul August 2, 2008 (10:39 am)

    rat/mouse trap is the best yet! I say put it in the glove box, that compartment between the seats and any other compartment…..

  • Todd August 2, 2008 (3:35 pm)

    Fiz, yeah, I think I know who did it, luckily the lowlifes moved.

  • charles August 2, 2008 (4:29 pm)

    i still say when they catch them. they either get a slap on the wrist, or a little jail time, sitting on their butts till their mama comes and get them, or the city needs the space. why not make them work. i am sure their is some discusting jobs they can do. if if was me, i would shut ebay down, and run the a c l u our of the state. then that is just me

  • kristy August 4, 2008 (11:50 am)

    Thought this was worth posting…my mom lives near 36th & Barton. On Saturday afternoon she was vacuuming her car out…had her purse sitting next to the car while she vacuumed the floors ..she was RIGHT there…saw no one other than a neighbor coming over to say hi to her dog. within minutes, her purse was gone..wallet, credit cards – free bus pass :) we have a pretty good idea who took it….so pathetic what people can/will do.

  • Stephanie August 4, 2008 (12:17 pm)

    This has been going on for over a year at least but I think it was happening in the mornings. the Westcreast dog park steward tries to warn people not to leave any thing of value in your car. I will now watch it when parking in the evenings.

  • joey August 6, 2008 (10:57 am)

    Yes-thieves suck! my beloved black Leicha camera was stolen out my old 73 mercedes..We had just gotten back from out of town and I sleepily went to safeway at jefferson square-not even realizing the camera was in the car…worked so hard to buy that darn thing-nicest most cherished thing I ever owned..poof!

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