Nature Consortium melds art and nature, outside and inside



What you see in those photos are two displays (first one, “blackberry root ball”; second one, “red elderberry”) in the main hallway at Youngstown Arts Center — part of an ongoing exhibit by young artists, presented by the Nature Consortium at Youngstown through next month (drop by any time). We found out about it while chatting with NC executive director Nancy Whitlock in that hallway during our stop yesterday afternoon to preview the art being created for last night’s “Skiffle” event (waiting to hear some final numbers on that, by the way). She was on her way over to Camp Long as setup continued for this weekend’s biggest West Seattle event, the Arts-in-Nature Festival tomorrow and Sunday — you can see the schedule online here — they’ve added some new features this year, so even if you’ve been before, it’s a must-see.

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