Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza progress, 4 weeks to go – and a search


Thanks yet again to David Hutchinson for another update on plaza progress — along with that panorama of how the site looked as crews wrapped up work at the end of the week. (Panoramas are hard to appreciate in our formatted sizing, so click the image to see a full-size version.) He adds:

Forms are in place for the final pouring of cement on Monday. Work is in progress to drill holes for the hand railings for the steps. Scheduled for next week are the installation of the bench plaques and the beginning of the installation of the inscribed pavers.

The scheduled dedication ceremony for the new plaza – by which time the statue will be back, too – is four weeks from today. And looking ahead to that ceremony, Plaza Project co-chair Libby Carr is trying to track down any of the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, or Sea Scouts who were present at the 1952 dedication of the original statue. If you were among them, or know how to reach one or more of them, she can be reached at or 206-938-8721.

4 Replies to "Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza progress, 4 weeks to go - and a search"

  • flipjack August 9, 2008 (3:12 pm)

    Nice Skate Park!

  • JanS August 9, 2008 (3:26 pm)

    hey, it was a nice skate park before any of this happened :) At least now there are steps where the ramp down to the statue was before. Sort of reminds me of a mini-amphitheater. I do love the view…

  • Jo August 9, 2008 (5:48 pm)

    The stairs are but one of the modifications to the original design. A very nice addition.
    Also, since the entire center section is now going to be inlaid pavers, instead of the smooth concrete strips (as provided in the original design), hopefully that will cut down on skateboarding.
    We’re still waiting for a drawing of the revised pedestal. Matt (architect) any chance of getting one to WSB so they can share with us?
    Jo Ofsthus

  • C.A. August 10, 2008 (10:55 pm)

    Looking forward to seeing the finished product and taking the kids down to locate all of our tiles!

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