Pike Place levy goes to the ballot; Parks levy discussion now

On your ballot this November, you’ll find the city levy to raise $73 million over the next six years to fix up the Pike Place Market; the City Council approved it unanimously today. Right now, the council’s Committee of the Whole is discussing the proposed Parks and Green Spaces levy (live via Seattle Channel online or cable channel 21) – a final vote is due before the end of the month; this one’s future is iffier because the mayor doesn’t support sending it to voters this year – if you feel strongly one way or another, you’ll want to contact the mayor and council now (through seattle.gov).

2 Replies to "Pike Place levy goes to the ballot; Parks levy discussion now"

  • WSMom July 14, 2008 (5:51 pm)

    The public restrooms at the market are really smelly and outdated. They are way past due for a major remodel. Last summer I could smell them over the fish market at the top of the stairs (now that’s bad!!) People were covering their mouths & noses as they raced down the stairs past the toilet area. Pretty embarrassing for our fair city, our tourist guests deserve clean bathrooms.

  • Ann July 15, 2008 (2:38 pm)

    And don’t forget to head down to City Hall, Wednesday 16, 5:30 P.M. for the last Parks Levy public hearing. This is a chance to speak directly to the City Councilmembers!

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