day : 05/07/2008 7 results

Two new coyote sightings, and another “coexistence” chat


(Photo of the one and only coyote sighted so far near WSB HQ, from April 2007)
It’s been a while since anyone’s e-mailed about coyote sightings. In the past 24-ish hours, though, we’ve received word of two, and that also provides a reason for a reminder about the citywide “coexisting with coyotes” forum next week. First, the sightings. Dale reports one early Friday morning “on the hill over Thriftway“:

They looked comfortable and well-fed, and our cat came home later. So all is good. They seem to like our pond. We’re a few blocks north of 39th SW ravine, (6700 block of 39th SW; map), and have a heavily wooded yard, as do our neighbors. Main point of the post is to let people with outdoor cats know, so they can respond accordingly.

Then from northern West Seattle, Burke e-mailed tonight: “Just met a coyote racing across the lower end of Fairmount. Looked like he had been pretty well spooked by something.” (Burke also mentioned seeing “the otter that finds it convenient to poop in the swimming pool at Harbor Park Condo. Just saw him ‘loping’ across the parking lot concealing himself under the parked cars as he went.”) Now, about that “coexistence” forum with info helpful for anyone in Seattle: It’s planned for Tuesday night at the Pritchard Beach Bathhouse in Rainier Beach (city news release here; map here). We covered the last one, in February in Magnolia (WSB article here).

Seafair Pirates’ Landing at Alki, report #2: Video (and more pix)


That’s actually a screen grab from a video clip that we considered too short to use but the scene was irresistible — After the Seafair Pirates came ashore (first round of photos in our first report here), we wandered up to the street-side spot where their land vessel Moby Duck was parked east of Alki Bathhouse, and watched (and videotaped) as they mingled with fans and even brought a lucky few onboard their “ship.” More pirate pix ahead, including video of the scalawags hoisting a young fan onto Moby Duck (which is a modified DUKW amphibious craft), but first, we have video of the actual landing, as the everpopular U.S. Army Mechanized Landing Craft came ashore, preceded by cannon fire, of course (and a bit of a jolt as the vessel hits the beach):

More ahead, including the Moby Duck scene at streetside, the seawall crowd, pix of Pirates and fans, and the fireboat putting on a show:Read More

Photos: Seafair Pirates Landing at Alki

July 5, 2008 2:41 pm
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Thanks to David Hutchinson for that photo from the Seafair Pirates‘ Landing on Alki a few hours ago, and for the next four – avast, er, vastly better than ours, so we’re showing you his first, with ours tacked on at the end. We also shot video and will have that up in a separate post a little later.


Despite the mostly cloudy weather, the event felt more festive than last year, or perhaps our perception came from standing on the beach instead of up on the promenade – who knows. More of David’s photos – pirates up close and personal! – and ours, ahead:Read More

More 4th of July photos: Fireworks; Alki aircraft; traffic


Thanks to Susan Grossman of Singing Pixel Photography (who contributed the Space Needle lightning shot the other day) for that shot from Harbor Ave. And thanks to Amy, who answered the request in the comment thread from last night’s Alki post, and sent these photos of that unusual sight in the sky:



(Now the obvious question before we launch an extensive round of Googling … what exactly is that? Hang-glider with pontoons? Ultralight?) ADDED LATER: A look at neighborhood chaos after dark, further northeasti – this is from Meredith:


She wrote in part, “… the FUN went on for about 2.5 hours. You can see the pileup. The pedestrians, the family getting out at the road closed sign. The silver SUV (Lexus LX, I think), just parked there as the driver walks away. This left the incoming traffic STUCK between Admiral and Grayson, Grayson St. traffic couldn’t get out, and no emergency vehicle could get into the area AT ALL if needed.”

Your chance for a closer look at the Orchard Ave. statue


Now that the 4th is past, we’ll talk more about other events coming up – the big one next weekend is West Seattle Summer Fest Friday-Sunday in The Junction, but next weekend has more to offer too, including an event at the site shown above: Along Orchard west of Delridge, across from Home Depot, by Tug Tavern, that small house with the big statue out back is inviting you to a Vietnamese Cultural Festival a week from today, including a closer look at the statue; we first found out about it after dispatching a student-journalism team to go find out more about the statue, something we’ve meant to do for a long time, as we often get questions from passersby – read on to learn about it, and about next Saturday’s event:Read More

Looking for something to do tonight? This is a hoot

July 5, 2008 11:07 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle parks | Wildlife

Just out of the inbox from an e-mail list kept by local naturalist Stewart Wechsler, who leads independent activities as well as some like this in collaboration with the Parks Department. (We once joined in an Owl Hoot at Seward Park but are betting Camp Long is even more splendid!):

There are currently still 12 spaces for my Owl Hoot tonight (Sat. 7-5-08) at Camp Long in West Seattle this evening 8:30 – 10:30 pm with the Seattle Parks Department. Barred Owls are resident at Camp Long and there is a good chance of seeing and hearing them.

I haven’t seen juveniles, but we may discover some vocal hissing juveniles begging for food if, as might be expected there is whole family there again. We will also dissect some owl pellets. The program is appropriate for whole families with all ages and individuals.

Pre-registration is recommended. The fee is $8 per person. Either call 206-684-7434 before 6 pm or pre-register on line:

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Seafair Pirates Landing, plus …


(July 2007 photo by Bob Bollen)
Hot on the heels of the 4th of July, it’s another big event at Alki today – the Seafair Pirates Landing, which is more than just the “landing” itself, with vendors and freebies starting at mid-morning and continuing into early afternoon – new features this year, the Pirates promise at their website – their arrival is one of 25 West Seattle events in this special Sat-Sun-only WSWL (since Friday had its own 4th of July page):Read More