Rock royalty and West Seattle book duo @ Easy Street tonight


At center, it’s R.E.M. co-founder Peter Buck, flanked by West Seattle residents David Belisle (L) and Corianton Hale (R), at the launch party for their new book R.E.M.:HELLO tonight at Easy Street in The Junction. (Read more about it in our original report.) Here’s some video looking over their shoulders at the crowd for the signing during the first hour of the party:

5 Replies to "Rock royalty and West Seattle book duo @ Easy Street tonight"

  • TheHouse June 24, 2008 (10:48 pm)

    I picked it up. Very cool book with some very interesting photos. Well done, David, Corianton and Peter!

    Anyone stay around to see if anyone else in the R.E.M. circle showed up later on?

  • rlv June 25, 2008 (11:35 am)

    Drummer extraordinaire Bill Rieflin was there for a bit, as well.

  • WSB June 25, 2008 (12:42 pm)

    Thanks. Advance publicity said he was supposed to be, but he wasn’t there when our team was, so our visuals just show the three seen above.

  • rlv June 25, 2008 (12:51 pm)

    I don’t think Mr. Rieflin ever sat down at the signing table, but he was hanging out nearby.

  • howie June 25, 2008 (12:52 pm)

    Now that Easy Street is getting all this wonderful publicity, I’d like everyone to take notice of how many of their free decals are pasted all over the public space around Cal. SW. On street signs, sides of bldgs, etc. I once informed the staff that the decals were ending up as litter but they did not care. I propose they go around and peel them all off, and then stop distributing them.

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