Tonight’s edition of “you write the caption”


Been meaning for a few days to photograph the “Developer’s Dream” real-estate sign on that house (1774 Alki; can’t find a listing or price online). Didn’t notice the smaller sign till we downloaded the pic.

7 Replies to "Tonight's edition of "you write the caption""

  • celeste17 May 7, 2008 (12:01 am)

    Well I guess this is one way to sell your house and land. I wish I had the money to buy the place just to keep it the way it is. I am for change when it is needed but now I feel that change in WS is not for the good but for the greedy. Remember about 10 years ago when developers got into some environmentally sensitive ground and built houses that slid off their foundations when the rains came and the home owners sued the city for letting them be built. Well with all the single family houses being destroyed and the ground being ripped up what will these people due when the ground slides out from underneath them?

  • Bob Loblaw May 7, 2008 (7:53 am)

    One of these topics is a fanciful farce.

  • Aim May 7, 2008 (10:43 am)

    “is it change, or is it more of the same?”

  • flipjack May 7, 2008 (11:36 am)

    One person’s dream is another’s nightmare.

  • OP May 7, 2008 (12:47 pm)

    One of these signs just won’t go away. Guess which one.

  • Bob Loblaw May 7, 2008 (1:49 pm)

    flipjack wins :-)

  • Tom May 7, 2008 (7:58 pm)

    “Unobstructed Whitewaterfront View….”

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