Free Christmas trees

Jeff Sullivan from the tree lot at Skyline Secure Park (Harbor Ave across from the 7-11) is giving away his last few trees – he wanted to give ’em to charities but contacted a few local nonprofits and is having trouble reaching folks so now he said, put out the word on WSB, anyone’s welcome to get one, bring your own twine, you haul. First come, first served – his only requirement, he says, is that you “have a Merry Christmas!”

2 Replies to "Free Christmas trees"

  • add December 20, 2007 (3:41 pm)

    We got a gorgeous tree from them on Tuesday night for only 20 bucks! Will definitely go back next year – very friendly and helpful.

  • Jon Bashford December 20, 2007 (4:15 pm)

    I just went down and met Jeff, and got a beautiful (free!) Noble Fir from him. It didn’t look like we were going to be able to afford a tree this year, so we are VERY thankful for his kind holiday spirit. Jeff was wonderful, and I can definitely say that if we ever need storage space he’ll be first on my list.

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