What do you do when you find a dead seal?

We had the occasion to ask that question this afternoon, unfortunately, after WSB contributor Christopher Boffoli happened onto a dead harbor seal on the rocky shore along Harbor Ave west of Salty’s. None of us were sure who to call. We sent a note to the Seal Sitters volunteers; Christopher called police, who in turn said they would notify the appropriate authorities. He was there quite some time and reports no one ever showed. Click here for the scene photo (taken from a respectful distance); hard to tell the cause of death, since the carcass was disfigured from bloating. RIP, little seal.

4 Replies to "What do you do when you find a dead seal?"

  • Jan October 12, 2007 (7:30 pm)


  • The House October 12, 2007 (7:53 pm)

    You wrap it in parchment paper.

    Now you have the Dead Seal Scrolls.

    Love me.

  • Jan October 12, 2007 (9:26 pm)

    ohhhhh…House…that is sooooo bad – lol

  • herongrrrl October 12, 2007 (11:20 pm)

    Call NOAA’s Marine Mammal Stranding Network, 206-526-6733, to report dead, injured or stranded marine mammals.

    More info here:

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