In-depth look at Junction-based Skate Church

The Weekly looks behind the doors (beneath the WS Senior Center) of the Skate Church, wondering about the conservative evangelism beneath its alternative surface.

11 Replies to "In-depth look at Junction-based Skate Church"

  • Delivery Dude September 5, 2007 (3:38 pm)

    I think it’s great that the West Seattle Seniors finally have a place convenient enough to get their worship on. Bust a move already!

    But seriously, I read the article -and have even met a few of the kids. They just strike me as everyday kids…if they’re trying to stand out from the crowd -they don’t.

  • The House September 5, 2007 (8:36 pm)

    Man, Bro, that church is the narliest church in WS. All the pastors trip when I try to ollie in their churches. That’s what makes this one so bitchin’

  • chas redmond September 5, 2007 (10:55 pm)

    It is kinda cool, sandwiched there at the upper end of the block. Makes one think there ought to be more individualistic style storefronts along California. That could be the Haight district of California Ave – although in all honesty I guess we’d be forced to call it the Oregon sector. What weird directions – from Alaska, go north toward Oregon and stop at TORN.

  • MsBette September 6, 2007 (1:08 pm)

    I’d be wary of any group that teaches that it’s not natural to be gay. What’s so cool about that?

  • Keith September 6, 2007 (5:32 pm)

    That place gives me the creeps. It’s one thing to have religious beliefs; it’s another thing to be so intent on converting and “conquering,” as their intent appears to be from what I’ve seen and heard. And if you have to sell your faith by co-opting something as secular as skateboarding, you’re pretty much in the snake oil business, IMO.

  • Jan September 6, 2007 (6:08 pm)

    discussions about religion can go in many different directions, and probably offend many people in the interim, and not get you anywhere. Converting and conquering would not be words in something that I believe in, but…that’s me. You don’t have to feel the same way I do.

    MsBette…I think I can agree with that. Too many teenagers who are gay are ostracized when they come out, and are terribly impacted, and very lonely. It’s bad enough that sometimes families don’t accept, but to be shunned by your peers is especially hurtful. To teach a teenager that it’s not natural begets bigotry. The skaters want to be accepted, they should be more accepting of those different than themselves, too.

  • The House September 6, 2007 (9:37 pm)

    I prefer churches that teach that it’s synthetic to be gay.

    Damn, I crack myself up!

  • MAK September 10, 2007 (9:58 am)

    I’m 17 and from the skatechurch/journey of faith/torn group been with this group for 6 years. and i think if any of you spent some time with this group and put your guard down instead of being so fixed on thinking this isnt a good thing, youd begin to see really how God is allowing us to work through out west seattle. stop in sometime for a church service and let yourself see the miracles that happen. something extravagant might not happen every sunday but someones heart is touched a little deeper each night i can guarantee you. Gods truly amazing. and im blessed to be able to be a part of this group. i think youd be in shock to see how many people in west seattle are open to our group its just the few of you who cant be open minded to this change we’ve got going on. we arent a cult, i guess i could see why it would appear to you we were. we’re crazy for God. the core group of this church has been together for years. we are no longer just some kids going to church to be lead by our pastor we are a huge family working together to help other people is WS to see God the way we do.
    and the seniors you all talk about from the senior center, are incredible. one for putting up with all the noise we make and two for allowing us to have this shop. we have “adopted” several of the older folks. and what a joy they bring to us. i think its the best when i come in mid day and see a couple of them sitting on our comfy couches drinking a rootbeer and talking to all of us. theyve got us laughing and smiling. and now once again we’ve got this oh so perfect opportunity to share Christs love with them.

    WARNING- Teens who love Jesus are running all over the junction.. be prepared to be amazed!!

  • YLASC September 11, 2007 (12:07 am)

    Being one of the core and founding members of this group I can’t stress how much discrimination is not a factor at Torn, the Skate Church Youthgroup, or Journey Of Faith Foursquare. We invite anyone and everyone into our midst, no matter what your beliefs are.
    I hate being labled as religious. We are simply christians. We believe in relationship with God, and we strive to be more like Jesus. Take that as you will. If you are basing your opinions off the article in the Weekly, I’d ask you to please come meet us before you make judgement.
    And about homosexuality. It’s a tough subject because it is such a deep rooted case for the individual. All I can say is that christians are often mistaken for “gaybashers”, and if you have any personal experience with something like that, I apologize for that persons actions. We’re here to love, not hate. To be frank though, if we believed that homosexuality was God’s plan for us, it would be unbiblical, and then we’d be a cult. Though the bible says homosexuality is a sin, so is everything rebelious against God that we do every single day. We’re all guilty of sin in some degree, thats why we would have been screwed if it weren’t for Jesus.
    We are merely a close group of friends who love God, love skateboarding culture, and love people. We aren’t trying to trick or brainwash you. Come check us out for yourself.

  • YLASC September 11, 2007 (12:17 am)

    Actually for the above statement,
    “To be frank though, if we believed that homosexuality was God’s plan for us, it would be unbiblical, and then we’d be a cult.”
    We probably wouldn’t be a cult, just unbiblical.
    so change that sentence to,
    “To be frank though, if we believed that homosexuality was God’s plan for us, it would be unbiblical.”
    Btw, the bible is what lays out our beliefs, so we cant just say we’re christian, then pick out what we like and leave out what we don’t like from the bible. That would be silly.

  • Rabbit September 12, 2007 (10:24 pm)

    Agreed YLASC for both of your statements. This group is truly different. First of all they are a group of kids under the age of 25 proclaiming Jesus in a hardcore territory to befriend. I’ve hung with these guys for a long time and they have taught me a lot about family and love. Seeing as how I come from a broken home life its comforting to know that when I come to chill with them Im not being judged. They are accepting warm and loving. However sometimes rough around the edges but hey we are all human.
    The point of my statement being that you shouldn’t judge something before you know it. The article may have said some stuff but maybe it is not all true.
    Please don’t jump to conclusions about us being cult because that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
    This is our belief. We belive in Jesus. We believe that he is a lifestyle and not just a Sunday thing. We just love Jesus, love skateboarding, and love meeting people from different backgrounds. And as far as I know we are the only group that has gotten the cops called on them for WORSHIPING JESUS to loud. Go figure ^_^

    Keep going Skatechurch!

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