That’s what a spirited crowd did last night at City Hall, according to this P-I article, which mentions that somebody from WS was part of a contingent advocating a farewell to foam (containers).
West Seattle, Washington
17 Monday
That’s what a spirited crowd did last night at City Hall, according to this P-I article, which mentions that somebody from WS was part of a contingent advocating a farewell to foam (containers).
“Landfills are cancer on the planet” A little overly dramatic for me — I think once we get “smart” Robots – land fills will become gold mines – robotics will sift through them 7×24 extract all the useful stuff.
Meanwhile, in other news… there is no transit solution, no viaduct solution, schools are closing, housing continues to be less and less affordable, and homeless people are getting run over by brush clearing equipment.
Bravo, Seattle!
(I believe the city is looking to build a transfer station in Georgetown, not a landfill.)
eric, I’m with you on this one. This city has some really pressing problems, and both the people and the gov’t seem to like to play ostrich and hide their heads in the sand. I was at a concert the other night, and noticed the group of people who took their time and energy to make signs and use their whole evening to try to get me to “repent”, and I couldn’t help but think why aren’t they doing something more useful to this society, why aren’t they putting their money to better use by helping those less fortunate than themselves. Oh, well…it makes the world go round, I suppose :)
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