Toddler hurt in Delridge fall

According to this short report, a toddler is in critical condition after falling off a balcony. No address specifics in that report, but the online Fire Department log lists a major medic call in the 5400 block of Delridge (near Brandon) this afternoon.

2 Replies to "Toddler hurt in Delridge fall"

  • miws May 27, 2007 (11:03 pm)

    I heard earlier, on the radio news, that it was the building housing the Delridge Library.

  • Ali May 28, 2007 (12:34 pm)

    I heard on the news this morning that the mother couldn’t find or hadn’t seen the toddler in an hour… strange. Considering it’s an apartment (usually not too large, right?) I can’t imagine it would be hard to find a toddler. I have one myself and never let him go for more than a few minutes without checking on him – they get into everything. Hope the little one will be ok and hoping the parent learns to parent better.

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