Shaping the future of another old WS school

As mentioned in the city’s latest neighborhoods newsletter (page 4), the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association is hoping to eventually buy the former Boren Junior High — now used as interim home to schools under renovation, Cleveland HS at the moment. It’s doing an architectural study to look at the 14-acre site‘s potential, with the thought that it could hold more than 400 housing units and tens of thousands of square foot of commercial space. (The Boren building doesn’t seem to have much preservation value, unlike the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, but you can read about its history here.)

5 Replies to "Shaping the future of another old WS school"

  • Eric B May 6, 2007 (8:39 pm)

    It is a pit of a school, but I don’t think it will be available for a little while since SPS will need a place to put the students from Sealth and Denny during their remodel/building. But there has been some discussion about the fate of E.C. Hughes.

  • Mike May 6, 2007 (9:20 pm)

    Let’s hope that the outstanding track record that DNDA has established with its returning-to-life the once boarded up Cooper School into the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center is allowed to take place at the Boren School site. IMHO the Boren building is about as bad as it gets in terms of appearance and if the School District doesn’t sell it to DNDA and Metrovation that will be one big mistake. Some buildings to need to be torn down and replaced and the Boren School is one of them. Having a business district and addtional housing in one of the most green valleys in the city would be a wondeful asset to the folks that call Delridge home.

  • GenHillOne May 7, 2007 (7:20 am)

    Interesting that DNDA mentions needing Boren for Denny. It was my understanding that Denny students wouldn’t really be affected during construction – because the new space is adjacent to Sealth not Denny – and that they would continue to use the old building until project completion. And while I’m not as familiar with what has been told to Sealth parents, I didn’t think that those students would be displaced as a whole (perhaps only some activities would need to be off campus). This has spurred me to go ask some questions, thanks! p.s. – I NEVER see anyone at (the beautiful old) EC Hughes even though they often threaten to “close” it…is it “open”??

  • GenHillOne May 7, 2007 (8:19 am)

    Update on above – my apologies to South Lake High School (alternative HS) that looks to have taken up residence at EC Hughes. I decided to drive by this morning and all of the dilapidated portables are gone and the overgrown vegitation is cleaned up. It looks so much better. There were some kids around, but the sign doesn’t look permanent so it may be another case of “interim” use.

  • Eric B May 7, 2007 (10:01 pm)

    It is temporary. I believe South Lake High School will be there another year before moving to their new building. After that, there is no immenent need for that building as far as I know.

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