Picture perfect

We like to include pictures with our posts now and then but would never consider ourselves true photographers. Here are three noteworthy examples of new work from people who do merit that label:

-When we posted about the doomed “Mission Revival”-style building at 6053 California, we hoped aloud that someone with photographic talent would get pictures that truly do it justice before it’s gone. That’s what Christopher Boffoli just did.

-A routine blogsearch turned up this item with a beautiful little slide show about a bus stop in The Junction.

-There’s a nice image from this past weekend’s YMCA Healthy Kids Day on this new site launched by former Herald photojournalist Matt Durham. 

2 Replies to "Picture perfect"

  • Matt Durham April 19, 2007 (5:20 pm)

    Thank you WS Blog for the exposure. You do a nice job of blogging West Seattle. You are a valuable information source for my online West Seattle magazine and I suspect you are read by many local publications looking for story ideas.
    As one who lives in the Morgan Junction area, I find the blog informative as a resident as well.
    Matt Durham-Publisher/Editor

  • Bill April 20, 2007 (1:37 pm)


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