Burger beef, the sequel

Just a few words before we get back to other business … Yes, I agree with various commenters on the post below that In-n-Out would be the ultimate burger franchise to have here. I didn’t bring it up because there’s no point — they haven’t even expanded into Oregon, much less WA, and until they settle their family trouble, I doubt they’ll go much further than their current Southwest turf. By the way, we just tried the Tacoma Carl’s Jr. — had to go to Tac anyway, so took a side trip (it’s off Highway 16 on the way to Point Defiance, Tacoma Narrows, etc.). Even at 11 am on Sunday morning, the joint was jumping — including a couple members of the Tacoma PD. I predict quick colonization northward. (Bonus trivia question for any other longtime or semi-longtime WS’ites … can you name the burger joint that used to be on the site where Jack in the Box is now? At least, it was still there when we arrived in the early ’90s.)

11 Replies to "Burger beef, the sequel"

  • herongrrrl October 8, 2006 (12:52 pm)

    That would have been Herfy’s! As far as I can tell, the only one remaining is at the Uwajimaya Village food court in the ID.

  • pops October 8, 2006 (1:03 pm)

    That would have been the unfortunately named Herfy’s. The place had a sign with a picture of a a very sad looking cow. It was the perfect place to go act all Goth and listen to the Smiths do ‘Meat is Murder.’

  • ESEW October 8, 2006 (1:57 pm)

    Yikes! I worked at Herfy’s during high school. If you’ve eaten there, have a checkup.

  • Jissy October 8, 2006 (3:28 pm)

    Gotta say I am totally with you on this one. Haven’t eaten at a McDonald’s in going on 7 years and drive to the lower Queen Anne Kidd Valley when I need my fix even though I live in Admiral by J I T B. Can’t tell you how sad I was to see Dave’s Burgers leave the now Viking Bank. Wasn’t really sure why they couldn’t make a go of it espec. since it was in the old Burger King — Dave’s burgers were world class.

    Was hoping when I heard about the Ranier Roaster leaving that maybe they could open back up there since it already had a drive thru. I’d settle for a Dick’s any day.

  • Jen October 8, 2006 (4:33 pm)

    I’ve never liked Carl’s Jr much at all…their burgers always seem dry to me, but then, I haven’t been to one in a while. I’d vote for Burgerville, which is (I think) based in Oregon and has expanded as far north as Centralia.

  • Herfy's! October 8, 2006 (5:19 pm)

    Herfy’s — I was across the street at the stop light when the windstorm belew their sign down – shattering it to shreds. There’s still a Herfy’s in Auburn and one in Fed Way. The Auburn one is in an original Herfy’s building – complete with orange tile and the condiment bar with secret sauce and pickles.

  • Administrator October 8, 2006 (6:54 pm)

    Congratulations (sorry, no WSB tchotchkes yet to hand out to the lucky “winners”) to everyone who answered “Herfy’s”! We never did make it in there … just sounded too scary.

  • todymof3 October 9, 2006 (12:35 am)

    Red Mill Burgers – the best burger in town. They need a West Seattle location BADLY – run do not walk – to try it at either their Magnolia Interbay or Phinney location

  • Gina October 10, 2006 (9:02 am)

    And before it was Herfy’s it was a Christmas tree lot for several years.

    Georgetown has a storefront Herfy’s.

  • Greg October 26, 2006 (12:14 pm)

    HA! While in college (late ’70s) on important days (mid-terms, finals, etc.) would go to the U-District Herfy’s for the “Breakfast of Champions” — a cheeseburger and a hot fudge sundae. Managed to graduate anyway.

    Still, what’s all this talk about Red Mill, Carl’s Jr., Burgerville, and Kidd Valley when Seattle’s best burgers — at PEPPERDOCK — are already in West Seattle!

  • MsBette November 1, 2006 (8:58 am)

    I used to take my little daughters there – oh yes, now they have children of their own… – we used to gather pickles and catsup in little cups and take them to our table and make “pickle sandwiches” while waiting for our order – great memory!

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