Smooth as … not quite silk

Old news perhaps to those of you who spend a lot of time on Alki … we walked on the beach for a while at midday today while waiting for a table at Duke’s, and were shocked to see it groomed … flat, grooved, even. I’ve never seen the sand at Alki that way. Maybe some post-Fourth of July sprucing up?

9 Replies to "Smooth as ... not quite silk"

  • Cami July 6, 2006 (7:12 pm)

    That’s the result of the “Beach Zamboni”. It’s housed at the Whale Tail Park comfort station (Park’s lingo for the BATHROOMS!) It’s usually out in the early morning. They are getting ready for the Pirate’s Landing on Saturday, I’m sure.

  • The House July 6, 2006 (8:06 pm)

    Curious to get the opinion of other WS folk about this years July 4th down on Alki.

    Great fireworks show from Ivars, Lake Union and Bainbridge especially with the lightning mixed in. That wasn’t the issue. The beach was filled with couples and families….very nice, but when you walked on the sidewalk and street, I felt like I stepped into inner-city Bronx.

    Did I miss something or did Alki look like the ghetto that night?

  • West Sider July 7, 2006 (9:15 am)

    What do you mean by “ghetto”?

  • The Dog Father July 7, 2006 (1:47 pm)

    Ah, the ghetto that Alki becomes in the summer….I think it’s safe to say that all free events on Alki bring that crowd to our lovely little community. Notice you never see them in the restuarants actually spending money.

  • Mickymse July 7, 2006 (2:13 pm)

    I’m not sure I would use a loaded word like “ghetto” and the implications of the above comment… but I will say that I have definitely noticed more crowds around Alki this summer, and am surprised that the majority are clearly not residents of the rapidly gentrifying neighborhood they are walking around.

  • The House July 7, 2006 (10:04 pm)

    Interesting feedback. It seems that The Dog Father understood what I meant, but West Sider and Mickymse had some confusion.

    To set aside preconcieved notions in case you were not aware, “Ghetto” was a term coined by the poor, Jewish sections of Warsaw, Poland during the Holocaust. Those of us that live in Seattle are fortunate not to really see a common day “ghetto” like you’ll find in Los Angeles, Atlanta or Miami.

    What I was referring to was the large amount of people (of all racial/national profiles including Caucasions, African Americans, Asians and a few Canadians I think) that were blasting their car stereos, acting obnoxious, and dropping “F Bombs” left and right. Drop by Alki at Noon tomorrow and tell me if you see that. If I actualy lived on Alki, I would be outraged even though Seattle PD were crawling everywhere (kudos).

    Obiously, there are a few folks in West Seattle that need to take a trip to the barrios of Los Angeles, Overtown in Miami or College Park in Atlanta. Spend an hour in each of those areas and then you can comment on my use of the term “ghetto”.

    Even though you don’t agree with me, I’m glad you’re my WS neighbor!

  • West Sider July 8, 2006 (1:24 pm)

    I have lived in Chicago and Los Angeles (during the riots), Alki doesn’t even come close to a “ghetto”. Your ability to quote Wikipedia information is truly educational, but still makes your level of intolerance disgusting. Alki is a public beach for all to enjoy! It’s the height of summer and that brings everyone to our area to enjoy the sun. Spending money in the stores is not a requirement to visit Alki and never has been. I welcome the diversity. I think The House needs to lighten up a bit and get out more. Perhaps staying in your own back yard would make you happier.

  • West Sider July 8, 2006 (4:58 pm)

    people “were blasting their car stereos, acting obnoxious, and dropping “F Bombs” left and right”.=“visitors” that will most likely offend you one night, break into your car or heaven forbid, commit a personal crime against you. sounds like you’ve made your mind up.

    no longer going to visit this blog. can’t believe the people who post here.

  • The House July 8, 2006 (5:15 pm)

    Hope that West Sider visits one last time. Think about your threat about not visiting this blog.

    You disagree with me and only me and haven’t explained why. Why punish the person that hosts the blog?

    You see, you’re the one being intolerant. This shows just how stupid you really are.

    We’ll be better off without you!

Sorry, comment time is over.