LOST DOG: Grog – REUNITED – April 16, 2017 7:08 am

(info removed)

5 Replies to "LOST DOG: Grog - REUNITED"

  • Chad Schuldt April 16, 2017 (5:28 pm)

    Thanks to my west Seattle (Seattle) family. 

    SPD seattle animal control  

    grog is safe and sound  

    still don’t know who picked him up  

    thank you for all the love and effort 

    I will never forget it  

    please contact me if that’s ok  

    • Andrew April 16, 2017 (9:09 pm)

      Is Grog the old red hound dog we found around Avalon and Fauntleroy? He was such a sweety. 

  • Chad Schuldt April 16, 2017 (5:31 pm)

    Oops almost forgot. 

    West Seattle blog thanks for being so fast and awesome!!  I sent a text and they were on it  

    can’t say enough positive about those folks

    also if you lose a loved one  

    craigslist and Facebook  

  • Jeannie April 16, 2017 (10:20 pm)

    Wonderful news! Grog looks like such a cutie.

    • Chad Schuldt April 17, 2017 (12:24 pm)

      He is. Thank you so much for your help. 

      He broke through a rotten fence board chasing a raccoon   

      Little bugger  

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