LOST DOG: Nari – REUNITED – March 13, 2018 11:03 am

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5 Replies to "LOST DOG: Nari - REUNITED"

  • Beth Davis March 13, 2018 (8:49 am)

    Nari is still missing. She is such a good hider under bushes or anywhere else she can fit. She probably won’t come out of hiding until she gets hungry enough. She will come to food but you have to approach her slowly or she will run from you as she is scared of people. I’m not giving up hope!

    • WSB March 13, 2018 (12:16 pm)

      Sorry to hear this. Will bump to the top of the list. Definitely don’t give up hope – we’ve had word of pets found after weeks, even months.

  • Lillie March 15, 2018 (6:54 pm)

    I’m pretty sure I saw her headed north into the green space on 60th between Orleans and Spokane about 6:15p tonight. She was into the blackberry quickly and didn’t come back out when I brought down food. I’ll keep an eye out! (Contacted the owner right away, but she’s down in Puyallup.)

  • kim March 16, 2018 (5:15 pm)

    She’s been reunited.

    • Karl Bangerter March 16, 2018 (8:36 pm)

      Thank You so much to all of the nice West Seattle Neighbors who were keeping an eye on Nari after she decided to hang out in the brush near your homes around 60th and Charlestown.  She was quite some distance from where she was lost on 3-10-18. A special Thank You to 2 people in particular. The person who contacted the owner on 3-15-18 reporting the sighting. And the nice gentleman who  helped us catch Nari this afternoon. Everyone we talked to while we were searching for Nari was very nice and caring. 

      Thank You again,

      Karl – Volunteer with Saving Great Animals

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