LOST CAT: Ellis – BACK HOME – December 22, 2017 11:25 am

(see comments – Ellis the cat showed up this morning! Info removed)

5 Replies to "LOST CAT: Ellis - BACK HOME"

  • Kyle Hailey December 26, 2017 (7:40 am)

    Reunited ! She meowed at the door about 6:30 am this morning!

    Thanks everyone for the support!

    • KM December 26, 2017 (9:04 am)

      Oh yay!

  • HappyOnAlki December 26, 2017 (9:44 am)

    Well, merry Christmas a day late! I can see the smiles from here!

  • Also John December 26, 2017 (10:13 am)

    Great news!  It was a cold night for Ellis.

  • MaryUnderwood December 27, 2017 (1:28 pm)

    Thank goodness, now keep that little dickens inside

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