the week I gave myself to mourn this election has nearly ended

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    Cd. I’m left to surmise your point from within your generalized rant, but I’m guessing you are suggesting that something I’ve said about Stefan Molyneaux isn’t so. I concede that characterizing him as a “poseur” and “huckster” involves some degree of interpretation on my part, but not much; hence the referral to his subscription platforms and promotion of “deFOOing” or encouraging his listeners to break of all ties with Families OF Origin whenever they disagree with his eccentric point of view.

    But to your confusion about the Plymouth Colony, the link JoB is a must read to see how this meme evolved with the Tea Party and has been perpetuated by various fringe right wing parties. In addition, it’s worth noting the Plymouth Colony was a corporate investment, with shareholders in England owning amounts proportionate to their cash input and settlers in the colonies owning shares in accordance with the land they were allotted to work. It appears the shareholders quickly realized that farmsteading in virgin territory would not soon produce enough foodstuffs to maintain the colony, let alone for profitable sale (where??? England??? Someone certainly didn’t understand marketing and distribution). Even though open field cultivation of common property worked well in England, circumstances were different in the frontier so the shareholders adopted a new, much more profitable strategy—fur trapping, an endeavor that proved lucrative for years.

    It appears you are inclined to dump anything and everything into the pot you call “socialism” in contrast to political scientist who generally use economic and political structures to define various methods of social organization. My sense is that makes it convenient for you to make broad generalizations with no interest in examining the structures that are involved. I suppose that’s why you chose not to comment when I elsewhere answered your question with a specific description of the timeframe and processes involved here and in the UK as neoliberal reforms advanced finance capitalism at the expense of the governments, and taxpayers of the participating nations, leading to this juncture where the various governments are more preoccupied with managing public debt (having absorbed huge portions of private debt) than delivering the services and protections expected by the populace.



    dave: reaganomics is the culprit, so that’s where the blame goes. but the blame for our country’s massive debt and wealth inequality also lies with you: all of you rank and file who believed that cutting taxes for billionaires would somehow give you the same economic parity as union folks.

    detroit was a poorly-managed mess under carter and reagan, and so was the UAW. both “sides” are to blame. our government allowed japan to start dumping cheap cars tariff-free on the american market. detroit was not prepared to compete on that scale.

    (big surprise, though: we still have trouble selling cars in japan. read rising sun by michael crichton if you want an informative murder mystery. he explains what happened very well.)

    i understand why you did it, but it’s high time you start realizing that you got swindled, and it’s happening again.

    furthermore, the same top 1% owns the airwaves, and they have convinced you that i and my jack-booted stalinist friends are after their wealth, and next we’re coming for our neighbors’ wealth. but they can’t seem to figure out our motive or end-game, can they? it’s because we aren’t the power-hungry megalomaniacs that they are, and they can’t believe that people exist who aren’t driven by money and power. so they’ve convinced you that you need an enemy, and that that enemy is me.

    they’re lying to you, and they’re using you as a human shield.

    seriously, man. what have the top 1% ever done for you except hand you the bill for holding their hats? it would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by redblack.


    jan: i can walk and chew gum at the same time (or give thanks and take republican names at the same time, whichever works for you.)

    if you think that’s in poor taste, take a break, by all means. but please don’t expect me to follow suit for arbitrary reasons. i don’t enjoy making women cry.

    we have three election years in a row. after that i’ll probably crawl back under my rock anyway.



    JoB: All the socialist countries you mention are borrowing massively against their futures (maybe with the exception of Norway that lives by the grace of world oil demand like Venezuela did). When the money runs out, so will the entitlements–Therefore, they are all structurally failed states on their way to disaster because they consume more than they produce.

    Like I said, it doesn’t matter what you call it (your linked article essentially identifies Plymouth as something akin to modern crony corporatism). However you want to look at it, it’s still functionally the same thing–A bunch of people who failed to happily work for a common collective good. Nitpicking the terms doesn’t change the fact that the shift towards allowing individual property rights and retention of personal profits lead to a substantial increase in productivity.

    It is probably pointless for me to attempt explaining my view of socialism as a producer to people who get more out of the system then they put in. The basis for all the strife in the world comes form people wanting to take too much of what others produce. Fortunately, I think enough people here in the US are waking up to reality and rejecting your desire for all-inclusive socialist governance. You lefties are really having a tough month, first Trump and now Castro. What next?

    JTB: Yes. As with everything, I know that there is a lot more to the story than the simple moral presented in short exemplary discussions about Plymouth. Getting into the weeds about the intricacies of how people lacked initiative and incentive to produce is not important because the net result is the same. All forms of governance that eliminate the element of risk/reward are doomed to fail because they ignore human nature. For example, I have far less incentive to hire employees and build businesses today than I did 20 years ago due to the expansion of socialist principals. It isn’t worth the effort to share the proceeds of entrepreneurial endeavors under the iron fist of government. While you may not notice the decline in relevant business startups (the ones that build sustainable employment careers), the ship is still sinking. Fostering big business monopolies, like Seattle has done, doesn’t make up for loss of diversified investment for the future benefit of local citizens. The failure of socialism is like bankruptcy–it first happens slowly, then quickly.

    redblack: “Reaganomics” was a return to competitive free-market capitalism which was what the wealth of the US was built on. The retaliation of entrenched old-world financial forces, buoyed by the left, transformed free market competition into crony capitalism. That’s what you are suffering from today. You seem to be arguing for the same worn out “workers revolt” envisioned by Carl Marx where the workers of the world will unite against the evil kings of corrupted capitalism. The problem is that the workers end up fighting each other as they align with the covenants of their respective nations–just like what happened in the last two world wars. Nationalism trumps idealism because when people starve, they don’t give a damn about other people around the world. Reducing regulation and taxes averts the sustained starvation that has always lead to war throughout history.

    Thirty years ago, I would have never imagined myself arguing with fellow Americans about why freedom is more important than free stuff.



    Captain Dave

    “All the socialist countries you mention are borrowing massively against their futures”

    and ours isn’t?
    before you spout all the nonsense about socialist America you might want to look at the actual numbers… and who was in power when those numbers shot up..

    “it doesn’t matter what you call it (your linked article essentially identifies Plymouth as something akin to modern crony corporatism). However you want to look at it, it’s still functionally the same thing–A bunch of people who failed to happily work for a common collective good”

    well.. no.. that isn’t exactly what happened…
    it’s the fairy tale simplification that totally ignores the actual contracts under which the colony was founded and the actual physical condition in which settlers tried to meet unrealistic expectations…

    “It is probably pointless for me to attempt explaining my view of socialism as a producer to people who get more out of the system then they put in.”

    good lord you have a lot of ASSumptions… not to mention an unwillingness to actually hear anything that challenges what you say…

    i guarantee you that hubby and i do not get more from the system than we put into it… in fact.. there is a time in the not so distant past that we would have been happy to have an annual income that matches what we now pay in taxes…

    We don’t manage our finances to limit our tax burden and we still donate to charities and help our fellow man whenever we can. I doubt you can say the same.

    the difference between us Captain Dave is that we are aware that we wouldn’t be so fortunate today if it was not for the excellent public educations we both received… neither of us was born with anything even remotely resembling a silver spoon in our mouths… and even more aware that unless we get serious about some of those “socialist” programs like education and healthcare the next generation is going to lose any competitive edge they once had in a world market.

    “While you may not notice the decline in relevant business startups (the ones that build sustainable employment careers), the ship is still sinking. Fostering big business monopolies, like Seattle has done, doesn’t make up for loss of diversified investment for the future benefit of local citizens.”

    sigh.. as it turns out the locations in which start up businesses are actually doing far better are those like Seattle.. with what you call “socialist” governments…

    and you might note that your particular government intervention issue doesn’t even show up on the list of reasons why one might not choose to venture a startup here..

    the primary issue is funding.

    ” “Reaganomics” was a return to competitive free-market capitalism which was what the wealth of the US was built on. The retaliation of entrenched old-world financial forces, buoyed by the left, transformed free market competition into crony capitalism.”

    good heavens.. you are still trying to sell trickle down economics in spite of the decades long track record of failure?

    You love to get let me put this one simply for you.

    when you decrease income (cut taxes) and increase expenses (fund wars on credit) your business fails.. even when that business is the business of the United States Government…

    when you destroy the tax incentives for businesses to not only manufacture within the boundaries of the United States but to invest in research and development… your business fails…

    when your only goal in bankruptcy negotiation is to reorganize a business to limit it’s debt .. you simply move that companies debt to it’s employees onto the public purse…

    Now.. you can blame lefist capitalists all you want.. which is pretty ironic considering you think capitalists are ok unless they are leftists.. but the real roots of those three problems can be found in the policies of Reaganomics…

    the fruits of those policies have left us with businesses (such as Walmart) that count on public assistance to enable their employees to work for substandard wages.. they have successfully moved a large portion of their labor cost into the public purse .. with the excuse that it is necessary to maintain a competitive advantage.. while securing record profits for the corporation.

    and you think lowering their taxes so they pay even less of that burden and releasing them from troublesome regulations will somehow benefit anything other than their bottom line?

    I know you think you are one of those who will do well under Trump..
    but you bought a con job designed to separate you from what is left of your money
    and that’s not a good thing

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by JoB.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by JoB.


    Terminology! It’ really difficult to have conversations that get anywhere when people use incorrect terminology.

    1. JoB, you wrongly characterized that list of nations that have had social democratic governments and policies. None were socialist. But let’s be clear, social democrats don’t want to overthrow or replace capitalism, they want to regulate it in order to achieve a more equitable distribution or excess wealth as well as restrain ruinous economic adventures (aka bubbles).

    2. Business start ups. JoB drives a nail through Cd’s mistaken notion of why start ups are lagging. The reason is not government regulation; it’s lack of investment capital. Nonfinancial private debt (business and household) far exceeds government (public) debt—-$27 trillion versus $19 trillion. When capital is obligated to service and pay off debt, it isn’t available for consumption and investment—-it can’t be used to drive economic growth.

    It’s hardly surprising that Cd’s perspective on this is “small ball” as that’s his experience as an isolated entrepreneur. His inability to characterize government and political matters in conventional or even accurate terms further highlights why his rambling tirades offer nothing of value to the discussion, leaving him a sad figure jousting at socialist windmills. That’s not to say there is anything wrong with him at all, it’s the koolaid.

    3. Neoliberalism. I resisted using this term which I think simply describes the latest iteration of capitalism, but I eventually agreed that the specific features and timing of this program for expansion were distinct enough to warrant the nomenclature. This is important because the debate about “Reaganomics” in focusing primarily on tax cuts misses the systemic changes that take place under neoliberal reforms. While it’s true that tax cuts are a prominent feature, equally important are deregulation, market liberalization, privatization of public services, fiscal austerity (government), free trade and growing financialization of ordinary life. Margaret Thatcher implemented neoliberal reforms in the UK as Reagan’s administration proceeded here. Bill Clinton made sweeping reforms in market deregulation with results perhaps wrongly blamed on George Bush who left the heavy lifting to others.

    All of the above was part of the process that established finance capitalism as the driving force in global economics. Cd’s reference to “entrenched old-world financial forces, buoyed by the left” is Alt-right speak for “banker Jews” although we don’t know if he intends that reference or is unwittingly parroting one of his dubious “sources” such as Molyneaux. Finance capitalism eclipsed industrial capitalism because it could make more money, faster, and without undue regulation and, as we learned, the assurance that government would come to the rescue in time of crisis.

    Interestingly, that gets us back to the place where there isn’t enough private capital to drive economic growth yet politically the government is held back from investing in productive endeavors due to ideological, not economic, restraints. Because we are uniquely in the position of being world’s reserve currency, we have more leeway to take on public debt when it leads to consumption and production. But when banks use it to invest in trades rather than small business, it’s a wasted opportunity.



    OMG !
    This is hilarious ! Socialism..? Really ?
    I would LOVE to talk about the too numerous to count shining examples of the historical positives of Socialism but really I was just checking in to see if that Democrat / Liberal ” Bon-Fire of Peace ” Assassinate Trump Protest / Riot was still happening down on ALKI tonight ? Let me know because I was going to offer to bring the Black Masks & Clubs if someone else can bring the gasoline ?.
    It was really inspiring for all of our children to see on KING 5 News all of those Love and Peace Liberals gathered around those burning cars holding hands and chanting Death threats. WOW ..! What a powerful moment and lovely example of togetherness and Hope for our youth.
    Maybe we can sing some of those inspiring ” Dead Cops Now ” or ” Death to Trump ” songs of unity ? My kids just LOVE those. Especially around the Christian Exploitation & Indoctrination into Capitalism Holiday the Evil White Supremacists call ” Christmas “. These events are just so uplifting and really represent the togetherness , compassion & Love that the Liberal cause is all about. WE ARE EXCITED !
    I just had to share a bonding moment that I had with my son while we were huddled up on the couch proudly watching one of the brave Rioteers drag an elderly Trump supporter from his car and kicking him in the head. He proudly looked up at me with those big brown eyes all swelled up with tears and asked…
    ” if Maybe.. Just Maybe.. Someday when he grows up and ventures out of his Safe space if HE could be the one paid by the DNC and ( Scott Foval ) to infiltrate a Republican rally and beat the crap out of an innocent attendee in hopes of causing a Riot ? “.
    OMG.. ! It is impossible for me to find the words to express how proud i was at that very moment knowing that my wonderful son would someday be the one to carry on the Liberal Democrat tradition of Love , Peace and Violence. Wow.. a Truly Powerful moment.
    Oh Yes, We must remember to Honor our Comrade, Progressive Idol and Champion of Free speech & Human rights ( Fidel Castro ). who’s famous words of inspiration include..
    ” Sure your Free. But, you just can’t Leave ” and ” Your guilty if I say your Guilty ” .
    It would be tragic if we didn’t take this opportunity to Loot & Burn at least one symbol of Capitalistic exploitation enterprise like a 7-11 or a Starbucks in his honor.
    Oh.. and don’t forget to remind your friends that Unlike most ” Our Riot’s are kid friendly ”
    See you all soon.
    Kisses !!



    could you be anymore obnoxious and hateful? How old are you? 12? Wow…what a disgusting post….go spew you ignorance on some other site…Breitbart, Facebook, anywhere but here. Embarrassed to call you “neighbor”. We are all better than that. All except you…must be fun living down in that sewer :(



    mea culpa
    i was loosely basing that list on Captain Dave’s definition of socialism..
    but you are right… i should be more specific with terms..
    only it’s really difficult to tell what the specific definitions are these days


    gosh.. were there really kids gathered around bonfires of cars on Alki last night?
    i really should get out more



    Wow….. haven’t seen that kind of rioting by kids sense the 1960’s/70’s protesting the Vietnam war on alki all the bonfires of cars and such where was I ….hmmmmmm to much bong and beer that night maybe…hmmmmmm …lmfao



    JTB: You are a one-trick marching pony. You seem to believe the answer to equality is based exclusively in the Keynesian macro economics theories of the academic left which completely ignores the element of entrepreneurialism. You seem to be emotionally convinced that capital is an appendage of the “hated” one-percenters. When, in fact, capital holds no allegiance to anyone when people are free to create wealth through innovation. The wealth gap you want to abolish is a product of the very system you embrace.

    Case and point: Amazon was once one of those insignificant pieces of entrepreneurial sh*t you would have scrapped off you boot in the early 90s. Yet, it now underpins the entire Seattle economy in just two decades. How many Amazon’s have been stomped out in recent years because of our local socialist policies? Now Seattle is just one boardroom decision away from total economic chaos.

    All business goes through birth and death cycles. Like growing crops, if you don’t seed, then nothing will grow next season but weeds. Seattle is enjoying the fruits of the entrepreneurial risk taking from previous decades, but there is very little seed planting now (other than things that serve the current aging regiment). That is why I say we are running on the same course as Detroit a half century ago.

    A significant portion of the US economy is dependent on the vitality of innovation that “magically” grows when people have incentive and motivation to take risks. I only use the word “magically” because people who are indoctrinated in Marxian socialism have no mental capacity to account for the creation of new wealth.

    Capital is not as scarce as you believe. It’s just hiding because the return on investment nor the intrinsic motivation is there to drive it out. Over-regulation and anti-business socialist policies are directly responsible for reducing projected return on investment, eliminating intrinsic motivation, and increasing risk of catastrophic government reprisal.

    I have my own capital and lots of access to other people’s capital. But unlike the 90’s when I was involved with raising millions of dollars for various projects, the risks and hassle of dealing with the animosity towards entrepreneurialism are too great to justify the effort anymore.

    To say that my perspective contributes nothing to your discussion shows how arrogant and ignorant you are about reality. To wholesale dismiss what I am saying because I don’t use your accredited terminology displays your intolerance and incapability to grasp concepts outside your narrow understanding of MMT evolution.

    Reagan’s neoliberalism was transformed into crony capitalism in the decades following his presidency by the corrupt leftist establishment who failed to preserve free market capitalism through the antitrust tools that existed at that time. An no, I don’t consider RINO’s to be anything but leftists in disguise. Why do you think nearly every major corporate monopoly supports the left? While competition is a hallmark of free market capitalism, it’s the bane of you lefties.

    Despite your blind love of socialism, the US under Trump will likely be embarking on an entirely different course. Neoclassical economics is being replaced by Austrian economics out of necessity because the system you embraced failed so miserably. Get over it. Better yet, go buy a shovel and get yourself a business license and figure it out for yourself.



    was @williamf64 making an attempt at conservative humor, which is likely an oxy-moron? no sign of any such story on King, no front-page story in the Times about the Secret Service conducting an investigation.

    what I did see was a story on mosques on the Eastside receiving threats. maybe that’s the story to which he was referring …



    Captain Dave..

    “Reagan’s neoliberalism was transformed into crony capitalism in the decades following his presidency by the corrupt leftist establishment who failed to preserve free market capitalism through the antitrust tools that existed at that time”

    Good heavens..
    who knew even Reagan was the lefties fault



    JoB: Where do you see that I made such a claim? Crony capitalism was advanced under the Clinton-Bush dynasties and was reciprocally accelerated for them by Obama. Nobody during Reagan’s time would have thought an American president could conduct such subversive acts against the country. Reagan gave relief from government oppression, but inadvertently opened the door for the left to extensively corrupt the system from within. You are obviously not able to see this because you are a product of the cultural marxism that was designed to obscure reality. Enjoy your fantasy. The majority of us who voted for Trump will be looking forward to draining the swamp and having a look at what crawls out from the slime. :)




    Dave…”That is why I say we are running on the same course as Detroit a half century ago.” If true, you’d better get the hell outta dodge before you go under, too.

    “JoB: Where do you see that I made such a claim?” did I read your post above that entirely wrong? “Reagan’s neoliberalism was transformed into crony capitalism in the decades following his presidency by the corrupt leftist establishment who failed to preserve free market capitalism through the antitrust tools that existed at that time.” So…am I seeing things? Or was your comment about something else entirely? Or do you just ramble on with anything and hope it sticks?

    Oh, and..yer bitchin’ about wholesale dismissal of what you have to say goes both ways. So far you have been delightfully rude to just about every poster on here except William64. He already has enough rudeness himself…he doesn’t need yours. He honestly adds nothing to the conversation. But then, you don’t think any of the other posters do either, unless they fawn all over you and agree wholeheartedly with what you are putting forth. Mirrors are wonderful things. Look in one every now and then.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by JanS.


    Captain Dave..

    and who exactly do you think you put into the White House?
    interesting read..



    JoB and JanS, I think the confusion stems from Cd’s awkward writing and confusion about the regulatory changes introduced by successive administrations following Reagan. He seems to consider those later presidents to be more or less of the same cloth, a point of view I actually agree with although I’m sure for very different reasons. But I confess I’m unable to follow the bit about the failure of those administrations to preserve free market capitalism through (failing to use?) antitrust regulations. Did they eliminate or obstruct antitrust regulations that somehow changed the nature of the market? Is he suggesting we need more enforcement of antitrust regulations to protect free market capitalism from the plutocracy?

    First, all of those administrations, from Reagan through and including Obama, advanced neoliberal “reforms.” Steady deregulation of banking, media and environmental controls and standards, lowering taxes particularly for the rich, increasing privatization—–those occurred under all of those Presidents.

    The notion that somehow “crony capitalism,” appeared only after Reagan doesn’t quite square with the fact that Reagan oversaw a massive build up of the military industrial complex, one of the most long-standing examples of crony capitalism we have. Dave, they all do it; that’s the way the system works. Certainly Reagan’s administration became caught up in several scandals involving defense contractors. But if you can cite any particulars for how the market changed in some fundamental way from Reagan through the others to clarify your opinion, that might be helpful.

    Of course, Reagan’s most significant deregulation involved savings and loan banks, leading to the collapse of that industry and biggest recession since the Great Depression, only being eclipsed by the Great Recession, 2008-2009 which resulted from Clinton collaborating with Graham and Greenspan to lift limitations on investment banks. See the similarities on setting conditions more favorable to finance capitalism versus investment in productive enterprises? Clinton also advanced austerity measures in accordance with neoliberalism, something that helps expose the minor differences between “progressive” and “conservative” advocates of neoliberal policies.

    Dave: I’m at a complete loss to understand what I said that leads you to conclude I “seem to believe the answer to equality is based exclusively in the Keynesian macro economics theories . . . .” Macroeconomic models have been exposed as unreliable for a number of decades (although plenty of economists strive to construct additional methods and measures to hopefully make it more useful).

    As to Marxists not understanding how new wealth is created, I might remind you of Adam Smith and Karl Marx on the labor theory of value. Interestingly, that takes us to Thomas Piketty’s

      Capital in the 21st Century

    which provides a historically compelling review of how capital becomes less productive, less efficient when it is concentrated to extremes through discriminatory distributive policies. In short, the elite don’t tend to invest in new productive ventures as much as rent taking or trades.

    Of course, I understand your opinion about the slow rate of growth (as related to new business) is not because of economic factors, it’s entirely because of the intimidating effect of government regulations. My sense is that perhaps you were so upended by your experience with the City of Seattle bureaucracy over your floating farmers market venture that you simply don’t have the emotional wherewithal to try anything again—the system has beaten you down. I can appreciate how that might leave you cranky.



    JTB…to be honest…I don’t really care for what Dave is spewing today or any day. This topic has been beaten to death. I do pay attention to what is actually happening in the world of Donald Trump NOW, who he is appointing, what will be taken away from me…it will be substantial, and may even detrimental to my personal health and wellbeing. Whatever will be will be. I, as one person, can’t stop it. Marxism, socialism, whether things Keynesian are right or wrong, have nothing to do with my reality of losing SS, Medicare, and whatever else may befall those of us with lesser means, and growing older by the day. Realities, not theories…and I’m sure the dear captain and his ilk do not give a flying eff about the realities that are going to befall us. We are not all stupid, and he is the only educated one. He’s just mouthier.

    As I said…I scoff at his posts now. And I eyeroll, and snicker, and however many other terms you want to use. I do feel sorry for him, though…when it hits the fan for him, too…poor sucker…




    i am not sure where conservatives in general and conservatives with a far right leaning in specific get the idea that democrats are unaware of how the system works..




    actually, I don’t think he will drain it at all…just make it bigger and meaner…



    JTB: Let’s not play the game of creating absolutes just for attacking fictitious straw men. Yes, I know that “crony capitalism” was probably around since the first musket balls were ordered by the third regiment in 1776. It is the degree of which and the spillover into common consumer markets that has greatly affected individual freedom in recent years.

    I have advocated for a long time that we need updated thinking in antitrust concepts to prevent the centralization of wealth just as was the concern a century ago. As you are well aware, Marx’s predictions for the failure of capitalism were thwarted with the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust legislation. Today however, the growth of crony capitalism has made government regulation the primary tool for monopolists to block competition. Modern antitrust needs to break the virtual trusts created between politicians and corporations–ie drain the swamp, enforce ethics and curtail bribery.

    Seattle bureaucrats are working to purge traditional business people out of the city because they tend to oppose leftist politics. I know many who have been targeted by the City through bizarre lawless schemes. If the swamp draining works at the federal level, it may happen here someday and your victorious comrades will be out of work.

    Here is a good read for you about Thomas Piketty:

    JoB: You said: “i am not sure where conservatives in general and conservatives with a far right leaning in specific get the idea that democrats are unaware of how the system works..”

    You can’t be serious? That is the most hilarious statement I have read in this forum. Democrats know how the system works all right. They use it to create poverty so that they can build more government. However, places like Detroit and Baltimore prove Democrats have no idea how to manage a system that provides prosperity to all members of society.




    Captain Dave..
    I wonder where you get the idea that democrats don’t understand the system and you double down and counter with this unsupported statement…

    “You can’t be serious? That is the most hilarious statement I have read in this forum. Democrats know how the system works all right. They use it to create poverty so that they can build more government. However, places like Detroit and Baltimore prove Democrats have no idea how to manage a system that provides prosperity to all members of society.”

    i say unsupported because the actual stats don’t agree with your analysis..
    but hey.. who needs facts and figures when you can engage in circular logic built on unsupported assumptions?

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