Stay at home needs a job please! YARD WORK OR BABY SITTING!

Home Forums West Seattle Jobs Offered Stay at home needs a job please! YARD WORK OR BABY SITTING!

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    I am a stay at home mom with a 7 month old. I am a medical assistant but just stoped working to spend more time with my daughter. I am very handy with yard and house work. I am not scared to get dirty. Also I love children and would love to do baby sitting and or nannying. I just would like something that I can take my daughter with me. Or just a few days a week and have my mother watch her. If you need any work done let me know Thanks!



    I could hold yer baby while you ride the pedicab. I just like holding babies.



    Best of luck!



    Hi, I just started working as a Medical Assistant as a prn float at this time, possibly coudl go somewhere else. But I need someone maybe a few afternoons a week, just to watch my son from the time my bf goes to work which varies till I get home. I get off work at 5 and I take the bus from downtown over here to West Seattle. If you’d be interested I would love to talk to you about meeting and discussing this in further detail.

    Ashleyreneegiles at gmail dot com

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