phonebook delivery revenge?

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    What is the story with the little orange plastic bags with the savings newspaper inside. I find them very annoying just thrown to the “curb” Is this a once off or do you have to sign off to prevent a repeat? Thanks



    They dumped these things all over our street too! The little rag says “Savings Source” – “A supplement of the Seattle Times”…


    I don’t think the Seattle Times will be happy to hear about this! I plan to call and complain Wednesday.


    The phone number listed in this flyer says to call 206-652-6587.


    In all fairness to the Seattle Times, this is probably a case where the delivery person was supposed to leave the flyer on a porch, or near a front door.




    either way.. i don’t want it



    I yelled at the delivery person and lunged (well ok hobbled…) down the steps but they made a quick get away. I abused the Seattle Times call center guy when they called too but there is apparently no way short of a nuclear event or a local glacier that can protect us from the Seattle Times advertisers. I have only looked inside once to make sure I knew where not to shop.

    The flyer is flung from a car window and I am sure the flinger is working on a piecework contract basis or some other low paying trick to avoid a living wage or bennies.


    Genesee Hill

    Hey, all. That is the third-class mail that kootch says cannot be delivered, by law, cheaper than the U.S. Postal Service charges to deliver it.




    Call the number on the flyer. That is how I got them to stop.



    When I called the number listed on the flyer, I got a recording saying to press 3 or something like that if I wanted to leave comments regarding the flyer.


    So I turned around and called customer service at the Seattle Times.



    So after my first complaint (8/15), I received yet another flyer.


    I called the Times again (8/17), and asked to speak to a supervisor, who was very receptive to my issue and willing to escalate this issue further up the command chain.


    I found out that IF you are a subscriber, which our household is, you are NOT supposed to receive a flyer. The same person indicated that the number listed on the flyer IS a recorded number, so you will never get to talk to a real person.


    I was also told that the flyer delivery folks are supposed to leave the flyer just inside the driveway. Still tacky. I also pointed out to the supervisor that many homes in the Arbor Heights area do not even have driveways.


    It sounds like something may come of this – I hope.


    I also learned that the Times has been experimenting with hand delivery vs mail delivery in certain areas. He was not sure if this was occurring all over West Seattle.


    The supervisor I talked with, said he lives in Burien, and he might just take a drive around on his way home.


    And if you call the automated line, it can take 2 to 4 weeks to finally be removed.




    I’ve been getting them in the mail and have called that number twice and left a voicemail requesting to be removed from their mailing list. Time will tell if it’s effective.


    Sonja B

    We’re having a problem with this in Skyway, too. Please sign my petition:



    Sonja B

    I should also add that they are being dropped on streets and in gutters. Mixed with leaves, they clog drains. The Seattle Times delivers over 700,000 of these unwanted, wet missiles, most to non-subscribers I managed to get them stopped at our house via, but the neighborhood is clobbered with them. I found 3 on a single property today.



    How about we establish a collection point and see how many of them we can get together and return to the floor of the lobby of the Seattle Times Offices?

    Better yet, the Editor’s lawn.


    Sonja B

    I thought about that, too!


    Sonja B

    I wrote to our King County Councilman’s aide, and he wrote to The Seattle Times asking them not to deliver to 98178. The Seattle Times has agreed to mail Savings Source to our area instead of dropping it in streets and gutters. Tukwila is also fighting the Savings Source litter problem, according to their blog, Tukwila Talks. They have obtained the name and email address of the person to contact at The Seattle Times to opt out. It’s Paul Wood, He says he just needs name and address to stop delivery to your address.

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