Home Forums Freebies, Sales, Trades OUR WAUNDA NEEDS A CAR, PLEASE HELP…

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    Waunda (Norgaard) Bigelow for those that may not know, is a staple here in West Seattle. She worked at the “Sports Junction” for over thirty years. She still works with Seattle Lutheran where her children attended, her daughter being Deanise, server at the “Rocksport” Bar for many years. Waunda, often called “Momda” for being a Mother to all of us was struck with an illness last year that kept her hospitalized for 75 days and is still rehabilitating but always getting better with each day. After leaving many many years at the “Sports Junction” here in the West Seattle Junction, she found herself doing her true passions which include making elaborate cakes, being a seamstress, and engraving. If you know her I’m sure she has done one of the above for you and rarely charges you a small amount, if any. The great news is she is keeping busy doing these trades every once and a while. The bad news is her very old car no longer works so getting to and from her much needed services has become a huge problem. Not to mention not being able to pick up her newly acquired grandchildren from school sure takes a toll on her. So the question is…Does anyone have a car that they would be willing to get rid of to help Waunda out? She is not picky. Although she did say to me “You know I have never had electric windows” which tells you how humble and giving this woman is. We are just looking for anything reliable. We are not just looking for a handout we can pay a few hundred dollars or a few more if needed. Perhaps we can stretch payments out over a short period of time. We could also add to the deal by offering if you have an event coming up like a wedding or birthday, she can make a cake that will amaze all your guests (she made a cake shaped like a guitar recently that looked so real people questioned whether or not it was edible). So, if you have a car that you would like to get rid of, or maybe you have a car that NEEDS something like a clutch, battery, water pump, alternator, or some part that would take a few dollars to get going, then please call. Thank you for taking the time to read this and take care!

    Lee (one of Waundas kids)


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