Health Insurance Mandate

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    I don’t know about other folks but my health insurance rates have gone up substantially since obamacare!

    The only factors insurance companies can use to factor costing is age and whether a person smokes. This is clearly not just. Obesity is a huge cost factor in health care and is a factor that is under a persons control.

    Health care insurance needs to allow factoring in of all controllable risks in particular smoking (allowed) and obesity.



    your insurance rates have gone up because insurance companies are greedy bastards. It’s as simple as that. I, as a health care provider, am being reimbursed for treatment with lesser and lesser amounts, while they make money hand over fist.Obama is not responsible for everything that happens in the world that you may disagree with, including insurance rate increases ! And…many aspects of the ACA have not even been implemented yet.

    Oh, and obesity is NOT always under a person’s control. Sadly, there are sometimes mitigating factors. Yes, our country has people who simply indulge. Look at the hoohah over Twinkies. Oh, my god, what would we ever do without them? Or bacon…everyone loves bacon. I’m betting you eat it every now and then, too. We are the land of plenty, and some people are you care about that? Maybe you should start educating people, instead of coming on a forum to complain every now and then…ever thought about that?



    I know readin’ and stuff is hard, but with the slightest amount of research an informed person would know that Obamacare is not yet in effect except for a few regulations (pre existing conditions, kids on parents care til 26). Therefore, the only effect Obamacare has on insurance rates is that greedy insurance companies are trying to wring out every penny they can BEFORE the regulations written into Obamacare go into effect. So if you want to blame something for your uptick in rates, a person using knowledge and logic would blame the insurance company, not Obamacare.

    If you actually want to learn some things about Obamacare, read the links I posted over on the ACA thread.



    I don’t know about other folks, but I’m beginning to think that the WSB Forums are just one, big,






    i was obese for many years. with a concerted effort i lost and have kept the weight off for years. thus from personal experience obesity is a individual choice. obesity is a HUGE cost factor in health care and obese people ought to pay higher insurance premiums accordingly.



    “The only factors insurance companies can use to factor costing is age and whether a person smokes.”

    This is false.

    Sincerely, your friend in the insurance industry.



    Hooper, congratulations on your weight loss. You are not everyone, and not everyone is you. This “mind over matter” “it’s only a matter of will power” is hogwash. How dare you judge other people ! Worry about yourself.



    i was obese for many years. with a concerted effort i lost and have kept the weight off for years. thus from personal experience obesity is a individual choice. obesity is a HUGE cost factor in health care and obese people ought to pay higher insurance premiums accordingly.



    As a lifelong “obese” person, I can attest to the fact it is NOT UNDER A PERSON’S CONTROL; how dare you repeat the same old bulls**t attacks. Glad you have a metabolic quirk. Most of the rest of us don’t. Years of starvation, exercising to the point of muscle tears, etc., made so little of a dent … I have been at a stable, albeit heavy, weight for years ONLY because I finally stopped all of those dangerous attempts at fighting what my body insisted on doing. And at 53, I am far healthier than more than a few slender people I know – sick ONLY of size-ist bigotry. And I’m closing this thread because it was a disguised attempt at attacking people for a trait with which they are born – which is against our rules. Guys, please flag me if this one comes up again. – TR

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