Friendly reminder, NO ADVERTISEMENTS

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    Just had to delete a post that sought to be a free ad so I am issuing another reminder, no posts that are in essence advertisements for businesses. We are a small business ourselves, completely supported by advertising for which we charge way below the going online rate (CPM).

    We do love to share news about local businesses old and new so if you have something to announce, please by all means e-mail us at

    and we can determine the appropriate way to handle your news – maybe it’s an event for the Events page, maybe it’s something worthy of a fullblown feature story, who knows.

    (The business whose post we deleted had in fact e-mailed us earlier this evening and we had a followup e-mail back at them with the thought that a feature might be in order.)

    We do offer businesses operating in West Seattle the opportunity to post job openings here for free (a service which even CL charges for).

    Also, wrt Reader Recommendations, the initial post must be a request for recommendations; if someone from a business replies to recommend themselves, we expect they will disclose that.

    Thanks very much for keeping this honest, trustworthy, and real … TR (WSB editor)

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