Big "booms" last night & this morning?

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    Anyone have any information on this? Last night around Admiral & 36th there were several loud booms that sounded like M80’s being detonated and this morning at around 6:30-7 am a very loud single “boom” went off.

    Anyone know what those were all about?



    This morning a goose hit a wire/pole/something at Admiral and 65th that caused that huge boom and the resulting power outage. Very sad sight.



    Didn’t get any word on last night – we have had a lot of these lately and there is never any official information; I always check the fire log, the police scanner, the City Light website, just to be sure … But this morning, we did hear via Facebook that there was a transformer problem. Didn’t know it involved a bird. Though one person said they lost power near Bar-S, it never showed up on City Light’s map. Thanks for the infobit. – TR



    Thanks for the updates. Poor goose. :( I hope all the folks effected get their power restored soon so they enjoy a fine feast today.

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