Reply To: carrier AC



Damn ” anonyme ”
Here comes that ” Truth ” thing again. Ouch !

You mention Republican’s getting US into a War. Did you omit the word “another” ?
Because after pondering and checking those Horribly Nasty and Unfair ” Facts ” concerning ALL those war’s that those Blood Thirsty Republican’s keep getting us into i run into a problem with the Math. maybe your Liberal math can help me out a little bit…?
Just checking on the last 100 years or so and while being kind enough to skip the Civil War I found these Numbers.
– WW1 : President Woodrow Wilson – ( Democrat ) 53,000 US Combat Deaths

– WW2 : President Franklin Delano Roosevelt – ( Democrat ) 200,00 US Combat Deaths
and many accuse President Roosevelt of knowing about Pearl Harbor and
allowing that Attack to happen JUST so we could get into the War ?
Oop’s .. That doesn’t sound Good ! Is it True ?

– Korea : President Harry S. Truman – ( Democrat ) 33,000 US Combat Casualties
The Korean War which was Started by a Democrat ( Of course ) took a Republican President ( Dwight D. Eisenhower ) to urge the Peace Talks and END THE WAR. Oop’s again huh ?

– Vietnam : ” COMBO ” President Kennedy ( Democrat ) sent in the advisors and got it Roll’n
a little bit but it took another popular and Wise ( Democratic President ) President Lyndon Johnson to really get all that Kill’in goin . A very popular war for Liberals. You guys Loved the Hell out of that Vietnam War thing. That’s where you guys learned how to Burn cars so effectively and spit on Soldiers.. Remember ? If not I can send you the Video ?
Hmmm.. So where are we now. ?
Oh.. I hope we aren’t going to bring up that Blood Bath known as the Grenada War so we will skip right over that and go right to:

– Desert Storm : President George H.W. Bush ( Republican ) 159 Combat Deaths
Is that the War you mean ? Where the entire World back us and we were surrounded by 60 or so Countries that went in with us ?
I’m still not following you ” anonyme ” So you must be talking about ( 2001 ) and

– Afghanistan War : President George W. Bush ( Republican ) 1954+ Combat Deaths
This is the War that OBama said was the ” War we should be concentrating on, Not Iraq ” Of course the same War that Ed Schultz from MSNBC called the ” Just War ” and of course that ALL the democrats voted for. You couldn’t be talking about that one
So, you must be talking about The Iraq War ( 2003 )

– Iraq War President George W. Bush ( Republican ) 3.800+ Combat Deaths
This must be the ” War ‘ your talking about. Mistake ? Maybe but there are a few issues such as the FACT that most Democrats voted for the War. For Example Presidential Nominee John Kerry :
John Kerry ( 2004 ) said: “I think it was the right decision to disarm Saddam Hussein, and when the president made the decision, I supported him, and I support the fact that we did disarm him.”
Yes, That John Kerry along with almost all other Democrats voted for the Iraq War. Including Hillary ” I am for sale ” Clinton.
But, OBama Campaigned on ” Getting us out of These Wars ” of course including the ” Just ” Afghanistan War as one of the Bush Wars. Pretending that Afghanistan was not called and referred to as a Just War.
The only problem is that OBama took all of our troops out immediately and very irresponsibly which left a vacuum and in stepped ISIS. ( The ” JV Team “..btw )and now
OBama lied and went back on his word and put boots back on the ground and as of today the US has 5,000 Troops in what now can be called ” Obama’s Iraq War “.
I know this Truth thing SUCKS and is very inconvenient but Please ” Anonyme ” explain what Republican Wars are you talking about because when I add up all the US Combat Deaths over the past 100 years the Democrats are winning the score by about 500,000 to very little.
After you take your Liberal goggles off and realize you have No where to go on this argument you can –>> ( Insert personal