Delridge 2009 results

West Seattle schools: K-5 STEM, Arbor Heights volunteers work to make things ‘a lot’ safer

(WSB photos)
Way back in January, when the Seattle Schools Traffic Safety Committee convened at the Boren Building, they heard K-5 STEM parents and staffers warn that existing safety challenges in and around the parking lot would only intensify when Arbor Heights Elementary moved in starting this fall. And it’s indeed been busy, to say the least – so this morning, volunteers gathered for a “parking-lot party” to fix what they could – a lot of painting, for example (top photo), and weeding/de-mossing.

Bigger issues remain to be solved, beyond the scope of a weekend work party – see our report on this past week’s Delridge District Council meeting for more on that – but progress is progress, one step (or paintbrush) at a time.

West Seattle weekend scenes: North Delridge Tree Walk

(Photos by Holli Margell of Holli With An I Photography)
Do you take the trees in your neighborhood for granted? One way to shake that ennui – organize a Tree Walk. That’s what Patrick Baer did in North Delridge today, and about 30 people joined him, including photographer Holli Margell, who shared these photos. Above, that’s Patrick with the Heritage Cully River Birch. The walk started at Greg Davis Park, and the group heard about the park’s origins.

From left in that photo are Lisa Taylor-Whitney, Patrick Baer, Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, and Tanya Baer. The route included part of the Longfellow Creek Trail:

And a stop under the canopy of a Lawson Cypress:

Find out more about tree walks around the city and how to be a Tree Ambassador, by going here.

‘Future of Aerospace’: Career expo for high-school students next Friday in West Seattle

September 7, 2014 10:39 am
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 |   Delridge | West Seattle news

Never too soon for high-school students to look ahead to what happens after their diplomas are in hand. Here’s one way: The “Future of Aerospace” career expo next Friday (September 12th) afternoon at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. From the announcement:

During FOA, students will able to learn about the following careers:

* Pilot – Commercial and Private
* Flight Attendant
* Flight Instructor
* Aircraft Design
* Aircraft Mechanic
* Aircraft Manufacturing
* Air Force Reserve Pilot
* Air Force Reserve Careers
* Aviation Business Management

Here’s the full announcement (PDF) explaining who’s involved, why, and what teens can learn with a visit to the expo, 3-5 pm Friday at Youngstown (4408 Delridge Way SW).

West Seattle development: New commercial building on Delridge

Our daily check of city Department of Planning and Development records turns up a new project in a high-profile place: The lot at 5448 Delridge Way SW, between DESC’s Cottage Grove Commons and the Martin’s Way storefront. The site has long held a ramshackle 1927-built cottage. On Friday, its new owner applied to the city for permission to tear down the house and build a commercial building. Documents in the file carry the name of Dreamscapes, a local landscaping company whose owner bought the Delridge site a year ago, according to county records. The online file says the permit is for a 1-story “office” building with a pre-fab steel frame and four on-site parking spaces (the site is zoned for “neighborhood commercial” up to 40 feet high).

West Seattle businesses: Delridge Food Mart shuttered, maybe just temporarily

A texter tipped us this morning that Delridge Food Mart at Delridge/Brandon was closed and appeared empty of merchandise. We confirmed that with a visit to the store – closed, gated, shelves visibly empty, no explanatory notes. There’s one reason to think this might be temporary: A liquor-license application suggests the store is changing hands. The application was filed on August 26th, described as an “assumption” by new proprietors Trimurti LLC, headquartered in Renton.

Update: 2 people hurt in South Delridge shooting outside 7-11

(Photo added: South Delridge 7-11, at which police say this started)
4:38 AM: Police and fire have responded to the 9000 block of 20th SW for an assault-with-weapons call with two victims. Per emergency radio, both are in their 20s and both have gunshot wounds – one to the leg, one with a “grazing wound” behind her knees. The gunfire is believed to have come from someone in a car. More to come.

4:50 AM: According to radio communications, the person shot in the leg is a 29-year-old man who will be transported by SFD medic unit; the person with a grazing wound to her legs is an 18-year-old woman who’ll go to the hospital via private ambulance. The latest description of the vehicle is “gold,” with the shots believed to have been fired by a “white male,” with “three black males” also in the car.

Our crew at the scene is seeing one person being treated at the Montridge Arms Apartments (photo added above); police also are at the nearby 7-11.

4:55 AM: New possible description of the vehicle: Gray Taurus; police are still sorting it out.

5:01 AM: From our crew at the scene: Police say this might have started as a person-to-person theft at the 7-11, between the victims and the people in the car. The victims made it across the street to the apartment building under their own power. This is not affecting traffic on Delridge Way.

5:14 AM: More from what police said at the scene: They’re not certain whether the “grazing” injury suffered by the female victim were from bullets or “shrapnel.” Again, neither victim has a life-threatening injury. No one in custody so far. People in the area say they thought they heard five shots. Police are still talking to witnesses to sort things out, including the vehicle/suspect descriptions.

6:14 AM UPDATE: Police have just published a summary on SPD Blotter; they now confirm the man was shot, the woman hurt by “shrapnel.” The item at issue in the “theft” they told us about is now reported to have been a cell phone. The conflicting vehicle descriptions also are mentioned – either gold Buick or gray Taurus.

9 AM NOTE: We went by in the 7 am hour and noted that Robbery Unit detectives had joined other officers on scene, still behind the yellow tape.

’12th Flag’-raising rally in West Seattle tomorrow: New info

Tomorrow’s the big flagraising rally for Seahawks fans outside West Seattle Corporate Center (aka the building with the big flag, Delridge/Andover). We had first word of the rally last weekend, and now we have more info. The 1,500-square-foot “world’s largest 12th Man Flag” goes up at 12:30 pm Thursday, per the update from Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) and Bartell Drugs, both of which are headquartered at WSCC. If you can get there earlier, the rally starts at 11 am, with a photo booth, games and contests with prizes, “surprise guests,” food samples from MM, and more. The flag will be raised by former Seahawk Joe Tafoya and WSU Cougars legend/former NFL quarterback Jack Thompson. Yes, it’s the same mega-flag (made by Tacoma’s Flags A’Flying) raised there just before the Seahawks’ Super Bowl victory last winter, and when it goes up tomorrow, it’ll be just hours until game time for the Hawks’ season opener. (January 2014 photo by Christopher Boffoli)

P.S. If you use social media, the hashtag will be #The12thFlag.

‘Awareness, peace, wisdom, compassion, and a sense of humor’: West Seattle Shambhala Meditation starting Tuesday

Sometimes, the time post-Labor Day feels like a mini-New Year of sorts … a time for new beginnings, and we don’t just mean the start of school. Here’s something that’s getting started just after Labor Day in West Seattle: Shambhala Meditation. From Susan:

West Seattle Shambhala Meditation group offers meditation sessions on Tuesday evenings at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (across from the Delridge Community Center and Skatepark). Whether you are new to meditation or are an old hand, and regardless of your religious affiliation, you are welcome to join us!

We offer meditation instruction, group meditation, and a space for discussion and exploration of topics related to our practice, and a supportive community. Through our meditation, we develop the possibility of meeting our everyday activities with awareness, peace, wisdom, compassion, and a sense of humor.

Ongoing Series (every Tuesday evening)

6:20-6:30 PM: Meditation Instruction
6:30-7:30 PM: Meditation
7:30-8:00 PM: Guest Speaker or Group Discussion
8:00-8:30 PM: Social time and refreshments

Check their online calendar first, in case of changes. They’re in the south classroom at Youngstown, which is at 4408 Delridge Way SW.

Giant ’12th Fan’ flag returning to West Seattle Corporate Center

(WSB photo from January 2014)
Remember the huge ’12th Fan’ flag raised at the West Seattle Corporate Center (Delridge/Andover) back on January 30th, days before the Seahawks‘ Super Bowl win? The 30′ x 50′ flag is going back up next Thursday, hours before the Hawks’ home opener, and you’re invited to the gala flag-raising celebration at 11 am (September 4th), just announced by Bartell Drugs and Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor), both headquartered at WSCC.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Hit-run crash leaves one hurt

August 28, 2014 3:23 am
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 |   Crime | Delridge | West Seattle news

Police are looking for the driver who walked away from a car that crashed into parked cars at Delridge and Juneau (map) this past hour. Left behind: An injured passenger, who’s been taken to the hospital. Tipster Sage says traffic is being directed around the wreckage on the southbound side of Delridge.

West Seattle traffic alert: Crash blocking 5200 block of Delridge Way

2:54 PM: It didn’t look like a major incident on the 911 log, but we’ve since learned from text and e-mail tips that a car crash in the 5200 block of Delridge Way has the road at least partly blocked, and drivers are having to turn around. We’re checking to see if anyone was hurt. (Thanks to Tim for sending the photo from a passing bus.)

6:03 PM UPDATE: According to Kyle Moore from Seattle Fire, one person was hurt and taken to the hospital with minor injuries.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Another gunfire investigation tonight

8:34 PM: For the second night in a row, police are investigating reported gunfire in North Delridge. This time, according to an SPD tweet a few minutes ago, it’s reported near 23rd and Juneau (map), which would be near the north side of the Boren campus, which will be housing two schools, K-5 STEM and Arbor Heights Elementary, as of next month. As in last night’s case – around the same time of night, near Delridge/Brandon – so far, no injuries reported.

8:53 PM UPDATE: A woman who says she saw it happen told our crew the shots were fired from a red car heading north on 23rd just north of Juneau, and were aimed at four young men walking on the street. Again, no injuries reported.

They’re looking at bullet holes in at least two parked cars, one of which has a flat tire (photo above); police won’t say how many shots they think were fired, but the witness thinks it was at least 10.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police investigating gunfire

No word of any injuries, but it appears that police have confirmed that was gunfire heard by many near the Delridge Library (5400 block of Delridge) a little while ago. Officers are still in the area investigating and one reported (via radio) finding shell casings. One nearby resident who called 911 tells WSB that dispatchers told her others had called too.

Update: House-fire call on 24th SW = ‘food on stove’

August 17, 2014 7:33 pm
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Seattle Fire has sent a sizable response to the 7500 block of 24th SW (map) for a possible house fire. First crews on scene are seeing “light smoke” from the second floor.

7:47 PM UPDATE: The fire call turned out to be “food on the stove.” Lots of smoke, though, so fans are being used to ventilate the residence right now. No injuries reported. Most units have been dismissed.

Straight Blast Gym in North Delridge aiming to kick it up a notch ‘to become a community center where adults and children thrive’

(Video from Straight Blast Gym’s Indiegogo page)
Being in business isn’t easy anywhere. You take a chance, hope you’re offering something people want and need, in a place where they want it, need it, and will spend money for it, and then you take the leap.

Sonia Sillan knows how that goes. She and partner Jei took the leap two years ago with a big empty building in North Delridge. They put everything into it, even lived there when they opened in October 2012, found places to shower off-site, ate cheap pizza almost every night. Six months later, things weren’t going well – yet – they parted ways with a business partner and rebranded last year as Straight Blast Gym of Seattle (WSB sponsor). That’s when, Sonia says, things took a turn for the better. They started to grow, started to really fix up the building, added walls, equipment, a heater, a kids-after-school room, a gym-specific van for tournaments and their before/after school program … Now, they need to do more. And they’re looking to do it as a community partnership – mat expansions, showers, bathroom remodels (Sonia says the women’s restroom hadn’t been used in at least a decade when they moved in).

We feel that we are close to being the change that needs to happen in this neighborhood; however, we are not quite there. Most gyms are just a place where you go to sweat; our goal is to become a community center where adults and children thrive through various programs and activities.

To get this done, they’re crowdfunding. This week, Straight Blast Gym launched an Indiegogo campaign, and they’re already a third of the way to their goal. And they’re stressing that this isn’t just a request for contributions – they’ve come up with a list of perks, traditional to crowdfunding campaigns, to give back.

As explained on the campaign page, the projects they’re hoping to get funded are broken into three parts:

SPACE: $6,100 toward new mats and a platform extension
VISIBILITY: $8,400 toward new glass and insulation for the storefront, so it’ll be clear (literally!) when they’re open
EQUIPMENT: $5,840, with resulting expansion in programs including Warrior Woman and Growing Gorillas (kids)

They’re offering perks equal in some cases to discounted services, such as three private lessons for a $200 contribution (worth $300), and also ways to help the community even before the upgrades – a $1,500 donation sponsors a child through SBG-Seattle programs for a year. “We really want to make this about the community,” says Sonia.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Store held up; police search for robbers

ORIGINAL REPORT, 12:19 PM: If you’re noticing the police response in the Delridge/Cambridge area, police are searching for at least one suspect in an armed robbery. The Guardian One helicopter is expected in the area shortly helping with the search.

ADDED 12:26 PM: Just talked to SPD spokesperson Det. Drew Fowler. The Tienda Super store in the 9400 block of Delridge was held up by two men who came in through its back door and stole cash at gunpoint. No one was hurt. Police are still searching for the robbers, both described as black men in their 20s, one 6’2″ with “facial scruff,” balding, gray hoodie, black pants, the other 5-6, thin, wearing a blue “do-rag,” white T-shirt, blue jeans. One robber was carrying a black backpack. If you have any information, call 911.

4:27 PM: Just checked again with SPD. Nobody in custody so far.

VIDEO/PHOTOS: It’s done! Celebrating the new mural at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center

The youth artists who have just finished the mural along Delridge outside Youngstown Cultural Arts Center had a big community turnout for this afternoon’s celebration of their creation – including local leaders:

With Duwamish Tribe chair Cecile Hansen, who is featured on the mural, in the photo above, is Louis Chinn, one of the artists who mentored the youth. The mural was created as part of the Work Readiness Arts Program, under the city Office of Arts and Culture, whose leader Randy Engstrom is a former Youngstown director – he’s at left below with the center’s current leader David Bestock:

The mural’s story was told by two of the young artists:

Admiring the mural’s celebration of history – including a totem pole! – was Southwest Seattle Historical Society executive director Clay Eals:

The RecTech youth who have been documenting the project via photo and video were of course there too – we’re told their work will premiere later this month:

Just in case you can’t get to 4408 Delridge Way SW for a first-person look at the mural any time soon, we walked its 200-plus-foot length in this next clip:

Just sixteen days ago, that entire wall was blank, as shown in our July 29th story.

West Seattle scene: Final touches on Youngstown mural

Tomorrow, the new youth-painted mural along the 4400 block of Delridge Way in front of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center will be officially “unveiled.” Tonight, it’s still getting some last-minute touches. What you see in our quick pic is only about a third of the mural – the rest of it looks pretty cool too – so come to the ribbon-cutting at 2 pm tomorrow (Thursday, August 14th) if you can, and meet the artists! If you’ve missed the backstory in our previous coverage (here, here, and here) – check out the Youngstown website.

As-it-happened coverage: Delridge Day 2014 – meeting (and having fun with) your neighbors!

(Festival music/activities schedule here)

ORIGINAL REPORT, 11:20 AM: As of the top of the hour, Delridge Day is on – with cool people ready to meet you, and to entertain you, on the north side of the park by Delridge Community Center (Genesee/Delridge). Not just people – check out Olive the goat:

And a Seattle Police robot, converted for the moment into a Tootsie Pop dispenser:

“Picnic at the Precinct” is instead happening here in the park concurrent with Delridge Day again this year. We’re told new SPD Chief Kathleen O’Toole is expected here around noon, so if you’d like to meet her, be here. But first, come meet all your neighbors, here with various organizations and activities. And tell them what you want to see in your community – there’s a big blackboard ready for your thoughts, as part of the North Delridge Action Plan kickoff.

Also here: Seattle Public Library:

Commenters asked earlier if any food trucks are here. Yes, Outside the Box is here again this year, up near the Delridge CC entrance.

Where, we’re also told a Seattle Fire engine is expected around noon.

(Photo added: From left, Pete Spalding, Dorsol Plants, Michael Taylor-Judd)
12:19 PM: Shoutout to the festival organizers – a small group of local community advocates put it together this year, including Dorsol Plants, Pete Spalding, Michael Taylor-Judd, Ron Angeles, and music by Chas Redmond, who is tune guru for more than a few local events:

12:38 PM: In addition to community groups/nonprofits – North Delridge Neighborhood Council, which is screenprinting its (Heart) Delridge logo onto T-shirts you bring, or bags they have…

….Also: West Seattle Food Bank (whose board member Rev. Ron Marshall pointed out they have a fundraising raffle going on):

Also: Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council, West Seattle Transportation Coalition, 34th District Democrats, Seattle Neighborhood Group, Nature Consortium …

… and more – local businesses are here too, including Skylark Café and Club and Mode Music Studios, neighbors in the 3800 block of Delridge Way SW:

12:49 PM: SPD Chief Kathleen O’Toole is here, as promised. We photographed her with Karen Berge and Deb Greer from the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network:

SFD Engine 36 was here for a while but had to rush off on an aid call a few minutes ago. (added) SPD Mounted Patrol horses were the center of attention:

If you missed the horses today – the Mounted Patrol Unit’s next open house at its Westcrest Park-adjacent headquarters will be 11 am-5 pm on Saturday, September 20th.

2:30 PM: Half an hour left until Delridge Day wraps up – such a beautiful afternoon. Hard to think about rain in the midst of the sun, but RainWise is here, to help you envision a raingarden at your home:

In some areas of West Seattle, you can get a rebate to install raingarden and/or cistern-type “green stormwater infrastructure” to cut down on how much of your stormwater runoff goes into the sewer system – find out more here.

2:54 PM: Moments to go and booths are folding up. SPD Chief O’Toole was here for a couple hours but departed a short time ago. We’ll be adding a bit more to this coverage in the hours ahead, but also wanted to mention an event for which we just got a flyer – mark your calendar for the North Delridge Tree Walk, starting near the boulders at Greg Davis Park 10:30 am Saturday, September 13th, five weeks from today. As for the rest of today – there’s more going on around West Seattle, and here in the park, the wading pool is open for almost four more hours!

Delridge Day + ‘Picnic @ Precinct’ = Saturday in the park

Hours to go until summer’s next West Seattle festival – Delridge Day is happening Saturday in the park adjacent to the community center at Delridge Way/SW Genesee, 11 am-3 pm. Here again is the activity schedule and music schedule:

Other reasons to come to Delridge Day:

*Again this year, the Seattle Police Foundation-presented “Picnic at the Precinct” also is happening concurrently, at the park instead of the precinct. We’re told new Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole is expected to visit, though we don’t have a time on that yet – that would be her first official public visit to West Seattle.

*Want to talk/ask about the SW Roxbury Safety Project, including a potential “road diet” for Roxbury from 17th SW westward? SDOT will be at Delridge Day, ready to chat.

*Want to find out about the North Delridge Action Plan? City reps are ready to talk about that too.

*Live and/or work (etc.) in North Delridge? Meet your community council – the North Delridge Neighborhood Council – which is offering freebies including a chance to screenprint the (Heart) Delridge emblem on a shirt (you bring it) or tote bag (free blank bags available). Two screenprinting stations! And, adds NDNC’s Amanda Leonard, “We will even have a drying rack so you can enjoy the rest of the festival without dealing with wet paint.”

*Check out the close-to-finished Youngstown Cultural Arts Center mural right across the street from the festival zone, along the east side of the 4400 block of Delridge Way.

*Safety and preparedness: The West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network and West Seattle Be Prepared will be there.

… and so will we. 11 am-3 pm, Delridge CC Park, come have fun!

Halfway there! Youngstown Cultural Arts Center mural update

Just stopped by the mural project outside Youngstown Cultural Arts Center for a quick update. We reported last week on the start of work on what was a blank 200-foot wall along Delridge Way SW beneath the center’s parking lot, with participants in a summer arts-jobs program, same one that led to the signal-box mini-murals last year. This mural is still scheduled for completion and “unveiling” one week from tomorrow; its features so far include not just Northwest beauty like water and mountains but also a hint of the nearby maritime industry (the iconic red cranes).

West Seattle summer: One week until the Delridge Day festival!

August 2, 2014 4:00 pm
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One week from today (on August 9th), it’s West Seattle’s next big summer festival – Delridge Day, in the park next to Delridge Community Center (Delridge/Genesee). Here’s the schedule for the day, just made public by organizers:

And remember the free outdoor screening of “The Lego Movie” in the park the night before (9 pm Friday, August 8th) – here’s our preview of that.

South Delridge raingarden project: ‘Walk and talk’ on August 12th

July 31, 2014 9:17 am
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 |   Delridge | Environment | West Seattle news

West Seattle’s next roadside-raingarden project, officially dubbed the Delridge Natural Drainage System, is in the “early design” process. Next chance for neighbors to get updates and ask questions has just been announced – a “project-design walk-and-talk” event on Tuesday, August 12th, starting at the corner of 17th and Elmgrove (map) at 6 pm. The updates, according to this postcard that’s on its way to nearby mailboxes, will include a chance to “review proposed design concepts and plantings.” Like the county-initiated “green stormwater infrastructure” raingardens under construction in Westwood and Sunrise Heights, the goal is to reduce the stormwater going into the combined-sewer system, which in turn should reduce overflows at the end of the line. Construction is scheduled for next year.