West Seattle Crime Watch: Graffiti, again; teen robbed; car theft

First, we have received two more reports of the serial vandalism in the Morgan Junction/Lincoln Park area that’s widely known as “the homophobic graffiti” – invariably the same profane three-word slur. CJ writes today that it “reappeared on a garage door overnight – 6000 block of Cal Ave. Same ugly phrase as last time. Police were there taking a report with the homeowner.” And Jen e-mailed yesterday about another sighting; as we reported a week and a half ago, police have been looking to talk with the man who was arrested last spring (charges were dropped because he was found not competent to stand trial) – we’ll continue following up. Ahead – two theft cases – one from a parent warning about what could happen to a teen, another from a couple who hopes you’ll be on the lookout for their stolen car:

First, from Melinda:

I would like to alert parents to a crime that happened to my son last Monday October 19th. He used the term “Slow-Jack” in reference to what happened.

He was waiting with a friend at the Metro Bus Stop on California and Stevens [map]. A third young man (approximately 16 yrs old) came to the bus stop. He asked my son if he could look at his I-Pod for a minute. My son said yes. The boy gave it back to him. Then asked if he could see it again, my son said yes. He then took off with the I-Pod. My son called for him to bring it back, but no such luck.

Parents, please alert your kids to this type of crime. My son has since learned the goal is to gain your trust and then BAM! take whatever they want. Also, if anyone’s kid has a new Ipod touch and they are unsure of where it came from, it could be my son’s. The young man was described as about 16 yrs old, dark hair, possibly Mexican descent, and had a skateboard. Thanks for the opportunity to share.

Ben and Chariti sent this today:

We live at the corner of 38th SW and SW Myrtle [map]. During the evening or early morning our 2006 Hyundai Azera was stolen from in front of our home. The police are looking for it, but we thought if anyone reading the Blog, had a Pearl White Hyundai Azera with License number 515 VEQ recently deposited in front of their house, it might help the police a bit, and speed the recovery of the vehicle.

17 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Graffiti, again; teen robbed; car theft"

  • DownOnAlki October 24, 2009 (3:14 pm)

    The same type of “robbery” happened to me when I was younger. Someone had asked to see my cell phone. Naturally, I wasn’t thinking anything other than that the person wanted to look briefly at my cell phone. He then ran off with it. Sucks not to be able to trust people like you want to.

  • Patrick October 24, 2009 (4:45 pm)

    That disgusting 3 word homophobic slur was also written on the message kiosk at Morgan Junction Park last week. Thankfully it was removed the same day. If you see anyone writing this slur, call 911. Hell, make a citizen’s arrest if you can. It is not only vandalism and trespassing; it is a hate crime.

  • bridge to somewhere October 24, 2009 (5:19 pm)

    it would be nice to know the name and address of the man who was arrested for the tagging last year. i would love to . . . umm . . . talk to him.

  • miws October 24, 2009 (6:23 pm)

    The same slur was on the bus shelter, west side of California, south of Fauntleroy/Morgan earlier this week, around Tuesday, I believe. Called it into Metro’s graffiti hotline, that is linked in the Crime section here on WSB. Also gave WSB a heads up on it.


    On Thursday, around 8:30 a.m., the same slur, as well as a racial one, were on the display window, on the north side of Thriftway. I went to the Customer Service desk, and reported it.


    It’s so maddening that this continues to happen, and that this person can’t be locked up.



  • Silly Goose October 24, 2009 (6:39 pm)

    I remember reading that this person was of a small mental copacity but I am wondering since this person writes the same thing over and over if he was the victim of a violet rape by a cop and he just can’t get past it. Now for those of you sitting there right now thinking a cop would never do this well think again yes they do and my best friend is living proof of it. It happened to him as well as his sister and thank god the dirty cop died of cancer so he got his but the need for this person to write this over and over to me sounds like he is screaming out for help!!!

  • WSB October 24, 2009 (6:45 pm)

    No report we have seen (nor photos) in these incidents has had any terminology or epithets relating to or describing police officers, fwiw – TR

  • Mike October 24, 2009 (7:07 pm)

    Time to start putting cameras up around those areas and boost patrols going by. Silly Goose, sorry your friend had to deal with a bad individual who happened to be a cop, there are thousands more that will never do that but will be happy to arrest any individual that would do that.

  • JDA October 24, 2009 (9:03 pm)

    I am staying on 35th by the water towers an on early Saturday morning around 3:00am i was parking my car when a car, i believe a honda civic, come over the crest of 35th were the water towers are an parked behind my car (they did not turn there vehicle off). I think the kids (i believe kids but there were two people in the car i dont know race or age) did not see me in my vehicle. When i opened my door my dome light came on they JETTED of down south on 35th. The previous night someone broke into my vehicle a rummaged through my contents of my vehicle. I dont keep anything of value in my car so i did not file a police report. I believe the people/person who broke in the previous night was looking for personal information because the went through all my vehicle paperwork. If anyone needs my email so i can give the cops my report on what happened i will figure a way to get u my email.

  • J Winter October 24, 2009 (9:04 pm)

    Since the courts can’t prosecute him due to his mental incompetency the police don’t seem to be able to take further action.
    Along with his hate graffiti at the Morgan junction,he has super glued the locks to the salon I work at three times as well as written anti gay slurs on our window.The last super glue incident happened about four weeks ago.
    I admire our officers and feel their frustrations when they come up against situations such as this. I hope that some how this guy gets the help he needs.

  • WSB October 24, 2009 (9:24 pm)

    JDA – posting here is great for sharing info with neighbors (which is why we publish Crime Watch reports) but reporting to police is REALLY important, even if you didn’t lose anything big. 625-5011 is the nonemergency number. – TR

  • JDA October 24, 2009 (9:52 pm)

    i called them right after i posted an they said because last night nothing actually got stolen i cant file a report BUT if i see that kind of suspicious activity again they said to immediately call an report what happened…..diligence everyone…great site btw…..west seattle sure has changed since the 80’s when i was a kid

  • WSB October 24, 2009 (10:09 pm)

    That goes contrary to everything police have said publicly and also reiterated to me in various conversations – also, I’ve seen police reports that say car broken into, nothing taken. So you might consider calling back to insist on filing a report. Probably not right now – it’s Saturday night and it’s a little busy (though nothing major on the scanner right now, knock wood, hope it stays that way). – TR

  • Que October 25, 2009 (12:20 am)

    I saw the slur written on Friday on the windowframe of what was Alki Mortgage right next to Caffe Ladro, don’t know if it had been reported or not. Didn’t have the presence of mind to do it at the time.

  • Justina October 25, 2009 (11:34 am)

    We live on the corner of 38th Ave SW and Hudson. Last night around 9 pm, your stolen car smashed head on into our parked car. The car then rolled down the street about a half a block, amazingly it missed about five other cars in between, and two people got out and ran away. Nobody in our neighbor hood saw what they looked like. The police were called be several people, but did not show up for over 30 min. We are sorry for your family.

  • WSB October 25, 2009 (11:39 am)

    We heard the scanner call and actually sent the theft victims a note saying it might be their car since the scanner said “stolen Hyundai” and it was on the same street – they confirmed this morning they had been notified their car was found last night, “wrecked.” I was going to mention that in the next Crime Watch update. Thanks for chiming in here. Sorry to hear that in turn your car was damaged too. Further proof that car theft tends to affect more than just the car’s owner … police have said the stolen cars are often used in other crimes. P.S. Having been listening to the scanner, I heard part of the delay – there was some confusion between dispatchers and officers over the address where the car was found – “5000 block of 38th” somehow became “5000 block of Hudson” – so that took some time to sort out – TR

  • LJ October 25, 2009 (1:24 pm)

    I live near Othello & Fauntleroy and have my home up for sale and have had it written on the sign out front twice. I called it in tp the police nonmergency number and got absolutely no satisfaction since I did not catch them “red handed”. It was basically so what, why are you bothering me. This is the first I have heard of it being a wide spread issue, kind of makes me feel a bit better as I felt I was being singled out by some weirdo.

  • Harvey October 26, 2009 (1:01 pm)

    The city should put up “no graffiti” signs.

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