SWS Membership Meeting – with Dessert!

January 21, 2014 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
C & P Coffee Company
5612 California Avenue Southwest
Seattle, WA 98136

Sustainable West Seattle invites you to join us for dessert as part of our annual membership meeting at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), January 21st from 7-8:30 pm.

Dessert is hosted by the current 2013 SWS board. We will review last year’s SWS activities, projects and events and look ahead to 2014 including nomination of new board members.

We are always looking for new people and ideas to fuel our ongoing projects and start new ones to increase West Seattle’s sustainability and resilience. Come to our membership meeting to find out more!

Current SWS Projects include:

1. West Seattle Tool Library
2. Community Orchard of West Seattle (COWS) – Food Forest Demonstration Garden at north end of SSCC
3. Spokespeople – Bike Education and Advocacy
4. Tox-ick.org – Stormwater Education

For more details:


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