TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday updates; bridge closure tonight

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)

6:52 AM: Good morning! No incidents so far, in West Seattle or on the outbound routes. Two notes, looking ahead:

BRIDGE CLOSURE TONIGHT: Fauntleroy Expressway earthquake-safety work continues, and the west end of the West Seattle Bridge will be closed 9 pm-5 am.

PRESIDENTIAL VISIT FRIDAY: Full details are yet to come, but President Obama returns to Seattle for a political fundraiser – this time, on behalf of Governor Inslee – this Friday, and since it’s billed as a dinner event, that might have some effect on your Friday pm commute. We’ll update as information becomes available.

Also, thanks in advance again today for tips if you see something and can call or text safely/legally (not from the driver’s seat) – 206-293-6302 – the live online 911 log is down for maintenance again until 5 pm.

7:24 AM: We’ll mention this in today’s calendar-highlights preview too, but be aware that tonight will be especially busy at and around the Southwest Athletic Complex because Chief Sealth International and West Seattle High Schools are graduating back-to-back, 5 pm and 8 pm.

7:38 AM: SPD responded a short time ago to a report of someone walking up the Spokane/Avalon/etc. ramp to the eastbound bridge. Julie messaged us to say she called in the report. We haven’t heard how this turned out – let us know if you saw the police response, maybe while passing in a bus.

7 Replies to "TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday updates; bridge closure tonight"

  • Robert June 21, 2016 (7:11 am)

    At around 650 there appeared to be a woman on the island 2/3 of the way down Admiral trying to hitchhike – (from the middle of the road)  – odd and of course very dangerous.

  • Lux June 21, 2016 (8:16 am)

    I saw her  further down Admiral 45 minutes earlier looking for a ride heading east. Figured someone would have picked her up by then.

  • WSGirl June 21, 2016 (8:40 am)

    Traffic got pretty backed up due to the Police showing up around 7:15 or so, blocking the bus lane, forcing the bus to merge into normal lanes which already get backed up… Slowed things down a great bit this morning. 

  • jack June 21, 2016 (10:49 am)

    Was this a red headed,  ruben-esque woman?

    Because I saw a woman matching that description hitchhiking southbound in the

    middle of the road on Alaska way along by the aquarium etc during yesterday’s

    PM commute.

    • newnative June 21, 2016 (11:45 am)

      I didn’t get a good look at her, but I thought I saw dark hair.  From my vantage point on the bus, it looked like she was walking up (west) Admiral, not down.  But who knows, I just  saw a person in the street.  

      • WSB June 21, 2016 (11:48 am)

        I did want to say before this topic fades away – thank you to those who report people walking up on/toward the high bridge, which does not have a pedestrian walkway – there is always the possibility that it’s someone contemplating suicide, and a 911 call can be (and has in the past been) lifesaving. – TR

  • Joe Bags June 21, 2016 (11:02 am)

    David Lynch should film a movie here.

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