West Seattle Thursday: From the stage to the diamond to the meeting room…


Today’s bird photo is courtesy of “SeamusSays,” who writes, “We are so fortunate to live in an area that supports such diverse wildlife – coyotes and all. Heard the enchanting calls of this guy/gal … and was happy to find her perched at the bottom of our backyard in a group of decaying Alder on Genesee Hill. Despite a constant protest from a group of the Steller’s Jays and crows, she managed a restful 10+ hours. Hope to see her again and just wanted to share.” Thanks to everyone who shares what they see … birds, breaking news, or … editor@westseattleblog.com or text to 206-293-6302. Now, on to today’s calendar highlights:

FREE KINDERMUSIK CLASS: 1 pm at My Three Little Birds (WSB sponsor) in south Morgan Junction. (6959 California SW)

SOFTBALL: West Seattle High School‘s next game in the district tournament is at 6 pm at Southwest Athletic Complex, vs. Lake Washington. (2801 SW Thistle, but the fields are on the SW Trenton side of SWAC)

SUMMER PARKWAYS EVENT PLANNING MEETING: 6-6:45 pm at Alki UCC, all are welcome to join the next planning meeting for the September 25th “Summer Parkways” car-free-day event. Here’s the event flyer. (6115 SW Hinds)

The topic carries on into this next meeting …

ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: 7 pm at Alki UCC, with agenda also including Seattle Police (updates plus the micro-community policing plan) and speed limits. (6115 SW Hinds)

‘THE LION KING’: Parent volunteer Emily sent the invitation and photo:

All are welcome to come and see Lafayette Elementary‘s ‘The Lion King’ being performed tonight, 5/19 (6 pm), tomorrow, 5/20 (7 pm), and Saturday, 5/21 (7 pm), at West Seattle High School. Performances are by kids in grades 3rd through 5th who attend Lafayette. Costumes are amazing! It’s our once-a-year production, directed by Lafayette parent Joel Oltyan. Free admission but we are selling concessions so please come support Lafayette!

(3000 California SW)

BELLY DANCING: Monthly free Alauda showcase at The Skylark, 7:30 pm, all ages. (3803 Delridge Way SW)


SUMMER SWIM LESSON REGISTRATION: It’s now open at the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor):

Jump in this summer! Y swim instructors emphasize personal safety, swimming skills, endurance and social skills while guiding students with praise and encouragement. A variety of sessions are offered throughout summer. Register online here or in person at either branch. Parent Child swim lessons for ages 6 to 35 months are FREE with family memberships at the West Seattle & Fauntleroy YMCA.

(4515 36th SW)

WHAT ELSE IS UP TODAY/TONIGHT? See our complete calendar, here.

3 Replies to "West Seattle Thursday: From the stage to the diamond to the meeting room..."

  • JH May 19, 2016 (11:42 am)

     That’s a barred owl!  I had at least two in my backyard two nights ago-and then they woke me up with the craziest noises three minutes before my alarm was set to go off.  Best wake-up call ever!

  • Allison May 19, 2016 (12:08 pm)

    What a great picture of the owl!  Thanks for sharing!

  • Enviromaven May 20, 2016 (11:59 am)

    Beautiful owl…thanks for posting!

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