FOLLOWUP: Carmilia’s has a Little Free Library again!


Carmilia’s in The Junction is home to a Little Free Library once more! Proprietor Linda Sabee sent the news, and the photo above, a month and a half after she reported the first one outside her boutique at 45xx California SW had been vandalized and then stolen. This one, like her first one, was built by family members including her dad Dale Hutchinson, who’s in the photo above. Linda notes, “The building of these libraries is a true family affair. My dad, my mom’s memory, my son AND my ex-husband!” Her mom, who’s been gone since 2007, was a teacher, Linda told us in March, “a lover of education, and a huge supporter of reading, books, and literacy.”

5 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Carmilia's has a Little Free Library again!"

  • Cid May 10, 2016 (9:22 pm)

    I hate that the first one was stolen, but happy there is now a new one (labor of love!) Hopeful that this little library will be treated with respect.

  • Maria May 11, 2016 (6:46 am)

    Respect for the Pooh hat!

  • KK May 11, 2016 (8:21 am)

    I’m SO GLAD to see this back! I even have a few books I’ll bring by this week. 

  • chemist May 11, 2016 (8:48 am)

    FYI, I think there’s  an “unclosed bold” in this story, perhaps around ” dad Dale Hutchinson,” that’s making for run-on bolding.

    • WSB May 11, 2016 (8:52 am)

      Thanks, fixed.

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