TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Your last commute of 2015

(Six WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
6:25 AM: Happy New Year’s Eve! After another below-freezing night, be mindful of icy spots on some roads, as well as the potential need for windshield-scraping.

ANOTHER TRANSIT REMINDER: Metro continues on a “reduced weekday” schedule for one final day; tomorrow, New Year’s Day, it’ll be on a Sunday schedule. No Water Taxi tomorrow, either.

8:50 AM: WSDOT is using the quiet time to remind everyone of the Highway 99 closures that start in mid-January, north of the Battery Street Tunnel but likely to affect things on this side too. Details are here.

11:49 AM: Via e-mail, Chuck says, “Heads up, there is a motorcycle cop doing traffic enforcement right now on the Admiral Way hill from the WS bridge to the viewpoint park.”

12:33 PM: Beware of icy hills! We’ve been on Admiral and Highland Park Way hills in the past couple hours, still very frosty, and not likely to change much before nightfall, so avoid them tonight too.

2 Replies to "TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Your last commute of 2015"

  • MercyMoi December 31, 2015 (7:24 am)

    Will there be a 2015 WSB data post today? I’ve enjoyed in years past your annual year-in-review posts. Which story this year yielded the most comments?

    Happy New Year, WSB Team! Thanks for all you do.

    • WSB December 31, 2015 (7:34 am)

      Good morning! We do have that in the works. Advance best wishes for 2016 to you too! – TR

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